It's a real conflict for me when I go to a concert and find out somebody in the audience is a Republican or fundamental Christian. It can cloud my enjoyment.
You're no good, you're no good, you're no good, Linda you're no good
It's a real conflict for me when I go to a concert and find out somebody in the audience is a Republican or fundamental Christian. It can cloud my enjoyment.
No thank you, I'd rather a Doberman ripped it off than dip it in that.Originally posted by meme
F@$% Linda Rondstadt.
Originally posted by Hot N Bothered
She'll be checking into a looney bin soon. Isn't this the second time in about a week she's said something really stupid to allienate her audience?
I mean, I know she's a hasbeen and all and probably just looking for publicity, but this isn't the way to go about it.
YOUR enjoyment? YOUR enjoyment? I thought the enjoyment was supposed to be experienced by the people PAYING to see your washed-up, ugly azz sing? Your enjoyment shoud come when you donate all your income to help the starving children, since you as a rich f@%king liberal don't need any more money and should be ashamed of yourself for being so capitalistic and moneygrubbing!Originally posted by Sharon
It's a real conflict for me when I go to a concert and find out somebody in the audience is a Republican or fundamental Christian. It can cloud my enjoyment.