Lines at polls? - report in

John Z

if you will
As you vote, report back with stories of how your polling place was. Were there long lines? Excitement? Shoving? Confused seniors shaking their heads as they leave, not sure if they hit the right buttons on our modern computerized polling equipment? Let us know how it went!

I am excited to vote, but I'm doing it after work, about 4pm. :patriot:


Heading over to the Mechanicsville Firehouse now. Be back soon with a report.


Set Trippin
Just walked in the door from Chopticon High School, I was in line about 40 minutes about 120-150 or so ppl in front of me...:yay:
Drove past Leonardtown Middle School at 7 a.m. and the line was already out the door and down the sidewalk. :patriot:


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Be a good citizen...

You know how forgetful people can be.

Did you remind those folks you encountered, due to high voter turnout, Republicans vote today and Democrats tomorrow?
Kyle said:
You know how forgetful people can be. Did you remind those folks you encountered, due to high voter turnout, Republicans vote today and Democrats tomorrow?
I did my part... I have Chasey out pimping for votes...:yay:

<img src="">


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Thats better than last election when :gossip: bent over with "G" tattoo'd on one cheek and "P" on the other.


Nothing to see here
Elks Club, Prince Frederick..In line at 645am, out of there at 710am..Possibly 25 people in line ahead of us waiting for the doors to open. Lot of confusion with the card readers for the electronic ballots, hope they get that ironed out or its going to be a long day.


I feel bad posting this, since some had to wait so long, but Mechanicsville Firehouse, in and out in 15 minutes. There was about 25 people. They say, before work, during lunch, and after working hours are going to be the peek times. Just be glad we are not in Bethesda. Good grief.


professional daydreamer
otter said:
Lot of confusion with the card readers for the electronic ballots, hope they get that ironed out or its going to be a long day.

What kind of confusion?


Hey, got to a question maybe some computer techs can answer (cough Kyle, 2A). At the polls, they had what I thought was smart card technology, slide the card in, the ballet appears, vote, data is stored on a hard drive and drop the card at the booth walking out. But, my DH seems to think that all your information is stored on the cards, which he could be correct. Does anyone know how that works? I just hate to think that my ballet is in the hands of one person who has to slide them in a machine or whatever to be counted.

The voting polls was actually very pleasurable. When DH and I first got married, we were registered in Pomfret, then when we moved closer (just 2 miles away) they sent us to Berry ES in Waldorf, what a night mare. We were there for about 1 1/2 hours just to vote. We were spoiled, just walking in, 15 minutes, out of there, so this morning at Mechanicsville Firehouse seemed like those Pomfret days.
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Nothing to see here
elaine said:
What kind of confusion?

Seemed that either (1) people didn't understand how to insert the cards; or(2)a couple of the card readers weren't working;

Poll workers seemed to be scratching their heads, all 3 of the guys that were supposed to be collecting the cards after I voted were huddled in front of 1 booth with a confused look in their eyes while people were trying to give them their cards after they voted.


professional daydreamer
otter said:
Seemed that either (1) people didn't understand how to insert the cards; or(2)a couple of the card readers weren't working;

Poll workers seemed to be scratching their heads, all 3 of the guys that were supposed to be collecting the cards after I voted were huddled in front of 1 booth with a confused look in their eyes while people were trying to give them their cards after they voted.

A lady gave me my card, showed me where it to insert it, and walked away. I inserted the card and the screen came up.

I don't know how they could get the card after they voted. They need it to bring the screen up. Something fishy goin' on over there in your neck o' the woods.


I waited 50 minutes at Chopticon this morning. Got there at 7:05 :twitch:


mainman said:
Just walked in the door from Chopticon High School, I was in line about 40 minutes about 120-150 or so ppl in front of me...:yay:
OMG! There were so many fricking people there I didn't even see you! :killingme