Lisa Page


God bless the USA
Go, Lisa!

I don’t care if she is telling the truth or, not. Many in our gov don’t tell the truth, either. She is the monkey wrench that was needed to stop our corrupt government, or at least, stall the machine, for now. Yes, her texts with the creepiest guy in the World are out there, but, maybe, she is smarter than people give her credit for, and was playing him. Stranger things have happened. Whatever it takes to stop the madness of it all. I am worried about Pelosi; she may have just had a permanent face freeze, and Chuck Schumer, too. He may have just shoved his smart looking reading glasses into his face. This emoji comes to mind. :jameo: That’s what happens to new world order socialist communist power hungry liberal progressive hypocrite arseholes that accept money from a Nazi. Soros doesn’t even like Obama, anymore. :bawl:

That is one busy bus, y’all!

I doubt any of the aresholes will suffer consequences, but it is a start.

Oh, and yeah...Go Trump!
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Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
Yep. They all protect each other.

It all comes down to Trump upset the apple cart.

You have a normal business person, not a member of the ruling class, in the most prestigious office in the nation.

They are outraged and have been since the moment of the election result.

Think about that. The Democrats and Never Trumpers have been vying for his impeachment before he even took the oath. Almost back to election day.

This is why I think Trump does what he does. It certainly brings out the in the swamp rats in Congress!


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
I have to admit that I'm surprised to her the reports about what Page could be saying. I was certain she was postponing her interview until after Strzok's so she could get her story straight with his.

...when all along, maybe it was so she could have the last word! :lol:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Gohmert then took a shot at former CIA Director John Brennan and former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, saying, "When I hear Brennan or Clapper either saying the kind of things they've been saying recently, then it tells me, wow, we must be getting close to them. Those guilty dogs are barking pretty loud."

I think that's pretty obvious. The closer we get to the truth, the more hysterical these people get. I don't think it takes a genius to figure out what really happened.


PREMO Member
I think that's pretty obvious. The closer we get to the truth, the more hysterical these people get. I don't think it takes a genius to figure out what really happened.

Which is why I'm waiting for the great day in America to occur when all of its' domestic enemies, Marxist, Socialists, Communists or any other variation of democrat will be deported to the Marianas Trench.


God bless the USA
We should always want and demand the truth from those who serve the people.

Yes, I agree with you on the truth thing. Telling the truth on this forum has caused me a bit of trouble, overtime here. :lol: My point was I don’t care if she is telling the truth, or not, because I am glad she stirred up the swamp pot. :elaine: WE will never know the full truth about anything that has ever gone on in OUR Government.
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I haven't heard Lisa Page's name mentioned once while flipping through the news. Nor am I seeing anything hitting the Twitter feeds. Only after seeing this thread and doing a specific search did I find anything.


professional daydreamer
I haven't heard Lisa Page's name mentioned once while flipping through the news. Nor am I seeing anything hitting the Twitter feeds. Only after seeing this thread and doing a specific search did I find anything.

Well, that's what the MSM does with news they don't want the world to know.


Happy Creepy Ass Cracka
I haven't heard Lisa Page's name mentioned once while flipping through the news. Nor am I seeing anything hitting the Twitter feeds. Only after seeing this thread and doing a specific search did I find anything.

Seems the media have NOTHING to report that contradicts what her lover said. Maybe had her testimony been public, we might hear that she had something to say.


Well-Known Member
I haven't heard Lisa Page's name mentioned once while flipping through the news. Nor am I seeing anything hitting the Twitter feeds. Only after seeing this thread and doing a specific search did I find anything.

If what is being reported is true, stay tuned for the Dem assault on everything Lisa Page.


PREMO Member
I just went to and put her name in their search engine. Not one article popped up. Not one.

If it won't support leftist agendas it gets scrubbed.

CNN is no different than TASS at this point. They are the propaganda wing of the DNC.