Litter Box Problems


New Member
I have 3 cats and recently, within the past month, one-Sun-has regularly stopped using the litter box.

It all started after I gave Sun a bath. Sun has since taken to not using the litter box. I know it is him because I have caught him in the act.

At first I just thought that Shade, my dominant female cat, was barring him from the litter boxes since she was running him away from the food also after his bath. She didn't recognize his scent but she has since gotten over it and they are fine with each other now.

We have also been doing a lot of work around the house so there has been a lot more traffic in the house and the daily routine is thrown off. That stopped a little over a week ago but the problem still occurs.

Nothing about the boxes have changed since I first got the cats. Litter, location, all the same as they always have been.

I have gone to the vets to get him checked out. They say there is no physical reason for him not to be using the box.

He will still use the box occasionally but I have a 50/50 chance of having pee or poop on my floors. Since I am planning on putting carpet down within the next month, I really want this issue resolved.

Any help and suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


24/7 Single Dad
You pizzed him off and he's teaching you a lesson.

Drop him off at a Chinese resturant and get a dog


New Member
Try Cat Attract litter. You can get it at PetsMart. My cat had a litter box problem and we got the litter and it works. It's worth a shot. Good Luck.


I would also suggest the CatAttract litter that DosGattos mentioned.

He was probably doing it to get you back for the bath, and now it's become a habit. If the CatAttract fails, teach him to use the litter box again. There are guides online. Feliway could lower his stress levels while you're doing it. Good luck.