Live from the plow!


Well-Known Member
Glad to see the county decided to hit their roads this go 'round! :clap:

I guess after last time when they waited until the roads turned to blocks of ice before sending the plows out they rethought that strategy.

Yes a big good job out to St Mary's DPW. Maybe someone who works there saw my post about the last snow saying that they really dropped the ball. If they did it wasnt hard for them to figure out which developement I live in, said it was right on the county line and told which streets were cleared across the line in Charles County.
At about 615am this morning they came through waking me up plowing my street, waking me up was no problem. They came past my house 5 times plowing 3 times across the street and 2 times on my side. Great job.
Thats the kind of service Ive been use to living here for the past 36 yrs.


the poor dad
12 hours later and it looks like I'm almost done. Now I need someone to wash three tractors and plows.

About 75 gallons of fuel burned and only one hydraulic hose busted. Now it's off to do The school and church parking lot-my charity work for the day


the poor dad
Yes a big good job out to St Mary's DPW. Maybe someone who works there saw my post about the last snow saying that they really dropped the ball. If they did it wasnt hard for them to figure out which developement I live in, said it was right on the county line and told which streets were cleared across the line in Charles County.
At about 615am this morning they came through waking me up plowing my street, waking me up was no problem. They came past my house 5 times plowing 3 times across the street and 2 times on my side. Great job.
Thats the kind of service Ive been use to living here for the past 36 yrs.

Last week I was in the Caribbean soaking up the warm sunshine but my guys were not called by the county to go out until 6:30 AM. Today we were called at 2:30 to go out. I'm sure that made a big difference though I'm not sure what time it stopped snowing last week. The county likes to wait until the snow is almost complete before calling the contractors out so we only have to go over our routes one time. Of course if more than 6 inches of snow is forecast, they will call us out while it is still snowing and we will end up going over our routes twice or more.


Power with Control
Roads looked awesome at noontime. Great at 715, but by lunchtime, just fantastic. The benefit of exposing a lot of blacktop prior to the sun getting up high, I think.


Yep I'm one of those people that you like to hate-a snowplow driver. I started in Scotland where it appears to be 5 to 6 inches of snow. Currently mere St. James where it's only about 3 inches. All roads are covered at this point. No pavements to be seen-including route 235.

When you see a snowplow truck, please give us plenty of room. It is very hard to see with fog and snow covered windows in our tractors and trucks.

Thanks for the good work! Everyone is so quick to thank cops, firefighters, etc... but the snow plow operators and power line repairmen are always there when needed 24/7 also!


Active Member
Charles County roads didn't look like they'd had more than a one time plow when I was driving home this morning at 6:30. 301 wasn't awful, but 228, 257, and Billingsley were not a fun drive in the Miata. I did see a guy on a bike heading into Waldorf on 228 - that was about 6:40ish. More power to him!

Never thought to curse out a snowplow driver; other than the one that zipped off 257 into a private driveway right on a curve; he couldn't have seen oncoming traffic (me) - but at least I was WIDE awake for the rest of the drive home.

TPD, lots of action on the forum - I hope you weren't texting and plowing!


Long Haired Country Boy
Ad Free Experience
It's a shared common drive, 1/2 mile long, 3 houses, can't block all 3 houses in. :buddies:

No offense, but if you can't negotiate 1/2 mile of snowy driveway with your vehicle, we really don't need you on the snowy roads.


Well-Known Member
Last week I was in the Caribbean soaking up the warm sunshine but my guys were not called by the county to go out until 6:30 AM. Today we were called at 2:30 to go out. I'm sure that made a big difference though I'm not sure what time it stopped snowing last week. The county likes to wait until the snow is almost complete before calling the contractors out so we only have to go over our routes one time. Of course if more than 6 inches of snow is forecast, they will call us out while it is still snowing and we will end up going over our routes twice or more.

welcome back!!!!! we definitely missed you last week...evev commented that we could tell you weren't in town by the way things were done. it worked out well foryoung one too!!!!
Glad you had a great trip!!!!


Well-Known Member
12 hours later and it looks like I'm almost done. Now I need someone to wash three tractors and plows.

About 75 gallons of fuel burned and only one hydraulic hose busted. Now it's off to do The school and church parking lot-my charity work for the day

and it is greatly appreciated!!!!!


Power with Control
It was also a different kind of snow

Hmmm, not from my shoveling, was exactly the same fluffy powdery stuff we ha last week. I kept the porch clear with a leaf blower and broom :)

So, my only bitch left to pitch here is folks that plow private areas and just plow it out into public roads. Whomever did Abberly Crest, I'm looking at you, bozo. Willows is spotless, except right as you crest the hill coming north by Abberlys southern entrance, that jackwad made it so you get to crest the hill into a turn that has a nice little snow pack on it. Nice job:sarcasm:


Well-Known Member
Im sure all the contractors did a great job. My good job went out actually to the St Mary's Dept of Public Works, as it was one of their trucks plowing my neighborhood. Way to go, remember me for the next big one.:buddies: