Live Music for weekend: 1/17-1/20

When Mojo was on 97.7, he tried to get a local music segement started....he asked local bands to send him some of their material on CD. He received maybe six....if that. I spoke to him about possibly working with a local venue to have a 97.7 sponsored local music show on a regular (weekly, bi-weekly, etc) basis similar to the Noise in the Basement that Matt Davis from 98Rock does at Fletcher's every Monday night. They ALWAYS have a great crowd, and have bands lined up to play. They get an interview with Matt on 98Rock the sunday before they play, and have some of their music played on the air as well. The bands didnt respond to Mojo's request for music....who's fault?

I think that could possible by 97.7/Mojo's fault... I heard about it from a friend who heard about it, then the next day I went to 97.7's website and there wasn't any details about the local music request.

Hopefully this Ripley guy can do it better than Mojo.