Local Board Appointments


You're all F'in Mad...
Originally posted by Tonio
My point about Norris The Second was not the obvious one about large development projects requiring the services of professional engineers. Instead, it was about the possible political connections of his clients, and whether those clients could have used such connections with the old commissioners.

I would say that since Lacer worked directly with the people who concern you, then that would be a more direct conflict than the son of an engineer.

Mr. Norris was the Assistant County Attorney, when our County Attorney was Patrick Murphy. The younger Mr. Norris, and Mr. Murphy went to school together (Ryken 88/87 respectively,) so that's probably the connection that put them together. When Mr. Murphy left county government, John was eventually advanced from "Acting County Attorney." So, Mr. Norris was already doing the job, when he was hired.

Mr. Lacer went from a law firm that was closing its doors, to County Government as the County Administrator. He wasn't the understudy, he wasn't advanced from within. He didn't have experience running anything. He simply took the place of a skilled and experienced Administrator in Kachmar. Definitely a red flag on this one.


Asperger's Poster Child
Originally posted by Oz
I would say that since Lacer worked directly with the people who concern you, then that would be a more direct conflict than the son of an engineer.

Mr. Norris was the Assistant County Attorney, when our County Attorney was Patrick Murphy. The younger Mr. Norris, and Mr. Murphy went to school together (Ryken 88/87 respectively,) so that's probably the connection that put them together. When Mr. Murphy left county government, John was eventually advanced from "Acting County Attorney." So, Mr. Norris was already doing the job, when he was hired.

Mr. Lacer went from a law firm that was closing its doors, to County Government as the County Administrator. He wasn't the understudy, he wasn't advanced from within. He didn't have experience running anything. He simply took the place of a skilled and experienced Administrator in Kachmar. Definitely a red flag on this one.

Thanks. Until you and Ken mentioned it, I didn't know Norris the Second even had a son with the same name. And I don't see any serious conflict of interest with Norris the Third being County Attorney.


New Member
I hate the St. Mary's County form of government. The county commissioner form is outdated and not as responsive to the people as it should be. We have the districts that elect one commissioner, yet they are all elected at-large. Our policy decisions have to be ratified by the general assembly and we have an appointed county administrator that has far too much power for a non-elected official. I think that we should adopt a local government similar to Montgomery and the other larger jurisdictions in which there is a county executive and a county council. This way our decisions do not have to pass through Annapolis for a rubber stamp and the true power will lie in the hands of the person that the voters elected.

As for this current board, I like a both Tommys and Dan. I like Mr. Dement but well I just think that he is a littel too old for fresh ideas and a little too much like Paul Chesser in that he is McKay's puppet and does little to contribute to the board's work. And don't get me started about Jarboe. That man is so eccentric, wearing a camoflouge (totally butchered that word) hat and a gun rack on his truck. Even though our county government is not high on the power list, the board should pick a certain level of sophistication and political correctness if you ask me.


Originally posted by kelley
As for this current board, I like a both Tommys and Dan. I like Mr. Dement but well I just think that he is a littel too old for fresh ideas and a little too much like Paul Chesser in that he is McKay's puppet and does little to contribute to the board's work. And don't get me started about Jarboe. That man is so eccentric, wearing a camoflouge (totally butchered that word) hat and a gun rack on his truck.

I like ya already Kelley....:wink: But, I think it's important to understand that things in our local county Government are not always what they appear to be at first glance.

Larry Jarboe does hunt, fish and even wear camo! But two minutes talking to him would change your opinion. He's not a redneck (trust me) and he definitely knows his stuff. I Love Larry! He makes me smile and if ever there was a politician that cares more about others than himself it's him.

Now when it comes down to Kenny D. I think time will tell this tale. There's much more to the man than appears on the surface. Yep! He's a little out of his league right now, but you watch..... I have a funny feeling that once he's gotten his feet wet he will Do a wonderful job and leave Mr. Mckay's Nursery......


New Member
Originally posted by Kain99
I have a funny feeling that once he's gotten his feet wet he will Do a wonderful job and leave Mr. Mckay's Nursery......
I certainly do hope so, but first impressions are everything right? I disagree with Jarboe on many issues too. He seems too extreme for me. I hope that he will not be as awkward as he was four years ago.


You're all F'in Mad...
Those guys aren't eachothers' puppets anyway. You have to look beyond the BOCC to see who's pulling the strings.
Before General Elections: J Frank & Stenny
After the General Election: Walter & ?Republicans

But really, none of this is fair to our Board, or Kenny. He's a man, and has been a leader and fixture in our community. He has always added to our community. It may be news to all of our local citizens who think they are better than the locals, but softball is a big part of St. Mary's County. We're not dumb rednecks, but we do have a country flair.

As I said before, I like the fact that just a regular guy can get elected. One who isn't a polished and shined politician. That gives some of us locals the hope that we still have a say in our own community.


Originally posted by kelley
As for this current board, I like a both Tommys and Dan. I like Mr. Dement but well I just think that he is a littel too old for fresh ideas and a little too much like Paul Chesser in that he is McKay's puppet and does little to contribute to the board's work. And don't get me started about Jarboe. That man is so eccentric, wearing a camoflouge (totally butchered that word) hat and a gun rack on his truck. Even though our county government is not high on the power list, the board should pick a certain level of sophistication and political correctness if you ask me.

Honestly... I think that Larry Jarboe is going to be better than I thought. He has been talking with people about getting a cell phone tower on the south end of the county... and that makes me quite happy. Tommy Mattingly and Danny Raley... known them both since I could walk probably... they're the good ol' boys... nuff said. With Kenny Dement... I think that he will get better. Let him learn the ropes a little bit... he is a Democrat at heart. And don't even get me started about Tommy Mckay... picture on the front of the Enterprise of him and a family friend ... I could have done without that today
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Originally posted by kelley
giggles, you no like Tommy? Yeah, either you love him or ya hate him. Explain why you don't like him.

Yeah, me no like Tommy M... maybe sometime I'll tell ya why!


Asperger's Poster Child
Originally posted by Oz
That gives some of us locals the hope that we still have a say in our own community.

Oz, you should meet more people who aren't from the county. Most of the newcomers I know are convinced that they have no say whatsoever in county government. This despite the fact that the commissioner board has included one or two newcomers for the past 20 years.

Anyway, I don't like whole concept of pitting newcomers against locals. St. Mary's Today used to go down that road, playing up to local resentment against newcomers. That was hilarious because at the time, the person funding the paper was a newcomer himself.


You're all F'in Mad...
Oz, you should meet more people who aren't from the county. Most of the newcomers I know are convinced that they have no say whatsoever in county government. This despite the fact that the commissioner board has included one or two newcomers for the past 20 years.

My reference was more directed at the fact that Congressman Hoyer ran the previous 4 years of County Government. I don't believe that Mr. McKay/Dement/Jarboe will walk to the beat of his drum the way Randall and Anderson did. My statement wasn't directed any further than described (ie. has nothing to do with meeting newcomers.) Hopefully this statement clarifies that for you.

I don't like whole concept of pitting newcomers against locals.

If anyone has spoken out against that concept on this board, it's me.


Asperger's Poster Child
Thanks for your thoughts, Oz. I have heard that Steny's role originally belonged to Walter, who made a series of missteps in the '90s. Fascinating to see how Walter does with his group of pseudo-Republicans.

This may sound naive, but I can't stand the idea of Tammany Hall-style political machines. While they can be efficient, they are really contrary to the whole spirit of democracy.


You're all F'in Mad...
Originally posted by Tonio
Thanks for your thoughts, Oz. I have heard that Steny's role originally belonged to Walter, who made a series of missteps in the '90s. Fascinating to see how Walter does with his group of pseudo-Republicans.

This may sound naive, but I can't stand the idea of Tammany Hall-style political machines. While they can be efficient, they are really contrary to the whole spirit of democracy.

I think a lot of this is exaggerated. Sure, politicians can show some favoritism to their friends, but I doubt that it extends as far as a "good old boys" network. There are just too many rules, and too much oversight and public information for this to extend as far as the media would sensationalize it. However, it makes for good headlines, and people who are uninformed believe it!


New Member
Well, if all that Oz says is correct, then Steny did one helluva job. Have you seen the Technology Corridor? Have you seen the new improved schools? Have you seen the apartment buildings that are going up in Lexington Park? Due to the vision of the last board, our little county is becoming a suburb of DC that looks much more like Frederick County than a Garret County. Steny knew what was going on on the national level and his wisdom and knowledge allowed our county to experience unprecedented growth.
It is too bad that we decided to kick Joe and Julie out because our taxes raised about $50 or so. We just cannot think about more than just what happened yesterday. I think that Tommy will know what he is doing and thus Kenny will do alright. But Jarboe is an oddball, we don't know what the hell he will do, and our favor with our congressman went down significantly. I fear for our county. I just hope that all will not be lost.


New Member
Well, Dems, while I voted the Democratic ticket 4/5 of the way this time, I see the growth that was experienced in the county as being the doing of Hoyer and the Congress, not the BOCC. Like I have said the board is a trival policy panel that has no real power besides to create the parks, clean the streets, and create tax policy. The county administrator has the power that the elected officials should have. As Tonio, I despise machine-style politics because it feeds on people's ignorance rather than the democratic process. I mean look at places like Daley's Chicago where Mayor Daley dominated politics for decades because he illegally and unethically gave voters jobs. A staunch opponent of many measures drafted to create integration was still able to garner over ninty percent of the black vote due to their ignorance of the system and the machine's stiff-arm tactics. While Hoyer does a great job in Washington, stay there, don't come here and tell subordinates how to run things.


You're all F'in Mad...
Originally posted by demsformd
our favor with our congressman went down significantly. I fear for our county. I just hope that all will not be lost.

Our favor with OUR congressman? Excuse the %$&^* out of me, but he's our congressman regardless of who we elect to the county commission.

If we lost favor enough that you fear what Mr. Hoyer will or won't do for, or to our county, then we elected the wrong guy!

Congressman Hoyer is a masterful politician. But, Stenny belongs in Washington working for his constituents, which happens to include all of us, and our 5 County Commissioners who also live in his district. He should not be micro-managing local government. What he should do is work with the 5 people who are County Commissioners, regardless of who they are or the party they belong to.