local convicted of animal abuse dog/horse


Does my butt look big?
SoMDGirl42 said:
I'm pretty sure it's not considered hourding until you reach 24 :lmao: (this isn't the same mousebaby that is getting another kitty, is it?)


Crap you sure it is not 100 :whistle:


Hunter/Eq. Trainer :-)
Sadie's Quote : She has brakes. I just haven't found them yet, nor have I ever taken her on a trail. She will do fine!

Can we say Emergency Dismount. :razz: Guess Paso gets to be an out rider for the day!!! :killingme :lmao:


"last night I was walking around in the dark and got stuk in a giant pile of horse poo I could get away then all of these hoolems showed up and started throwing cow pies at me at fist I was terified once one of the pies got in my mouth-Mr Messy Pants"

Dear Mr. Messy Pants,

I'm not sure what your sad, sorry tale :wah: has to do with giving me red karma, BUT: A few words of advice: :smile:
1. the comma is your friend; don't be shy about using it
2. 'stuck' in Line 1
3. I do believe in line 2 that you meant to say "hooligans" or "hoodlums"
4. Line 3 - do you mean 'first' in lieu of 'fist'?
5. terrified

Sorry - couldn't help myself. Correcting students' grammar is what I
do. :shrug:

Now, let us discuss your problem. Clearly, you suffer from some sort of anxiety. :twitch: :crazy: We need to analyze your fantasy. My guess is that your fear of coming in contact with 'horse poo' whilst wandering around in the dark signifies a fear of something: the Forum, perhaps? :yikes:

The fact that you get stuck in the horse poo (oh for Chrissakes, it's MANURE!) means that you fear becoming so involved in the Forum that you are unable to distinguish between it and reality. :shocking:

The "hoolems" represent people on this Forum who have hurt your through the words of their posts, and sending you red karma. :cussing:

Finally, the ingesting of the manure represents your fear of being consumed by the Forum and your tenuous hold on reality being choked right out of you. :loser: :jet:

My advice? SAVE YOURSELF!! Leave this Forum at once, before it is tooooooooo laaaaatttttteeeeeeeee. Run, Messy, RUN!!


Sadielady said:
She has brakes. I just haven't found them yet, nor have I ever taken her on a trail. She will do fine! :razz:

Let me see if I understand this correctly- your horse has no brakes (that you have found), and she's never been on the trail????

Uh, thanks for your very generous offer, but NO THANKS! :razz:
I'd feel safer on one of Paso's crotch rockets. :lmao: