Local Elections...


Livin' Like Thanksgivin'
As I don't like to be a completely partison voter and I want to look at the individual candidates before voting, does anyone know a good place to get at least quasi-unbiased assessments or summaries of local candidate political platforms, specifically Calvert County?

Last year was my first time voting since I moved in the county, but I didn't know or hadn't heard of any of the candidates so I pretty much had to vote strictly along party lines.


Livin' Like Thanksgivin'

Also... wouldn't mind seeing an Election 2004 forum pop up so that I can hear y'all talk about local candidates.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
sleuth said:
As I don't like to be a completely partison voter
I never was until this year. As punishment to the Democrats for their ugly rhetoric and endangering the lives of our soldiers with their treasonous behavior, I'm voting a straight Republican ticket this year. Even if the ballot says "Jesus (D) or Satan (R)" I'm voting for Satan.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
I would advise looking at the party platform. If a local candidate goes against the party platform, they will be attacked by the "party faithfuls".

The Democrats have declared in their platform that they are:

For abortion. They call it "the right to choose"
For gun control. They say they will protect the 2nd Amendment by closing the gun show loopholes and re-enacting the Clinton Gun Ban.
For higher taxes. - on small business (which is responsible for most jobs in the U.S.)
Against voluntary prayer in school. Preserve separation of church and state. By the way, the First Amendment says: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

It only limits the Federal government, not the states or localities.

These are just for starters.


New Member
Brad Jewitt is running for District 5 Congress.

You can find where he stands on issues here: http://www.jewitt2004.com/issues.asp

I've met Brad Jewitt and have heard him speak. He's a great guy with good intentions. I respect his dedication to our country, our military, and civil service. I feel that he is more than qualified to server District 5 as a congress man.

You could look up Hoyer's stance on the issues, but nothing really speaks more clearly than his past voting record. You can find a nice summary here: http://www.nomorehoyer.org/


This Space for Rent
vraiblonde said:
I never was until this year. As punishment to the Democrats for their ugly rhetoric and endangering the lives of our soldiers with their treasonous behavior, I'm voting a straight Republican ticket this year. Even if the ballot says "Jesus (D) or Satan (R)" I'm voting for Satan.

That is pretty much how I feel this year I hate to say. I am disgusted by a lot of the things said and done of the left this year... so, since they feel they can belittle us, our politics, our values, and our military, I don't feel any shame in just punching (R).