Honorary SMIB
With 42% of the voters in St. Mary's voting for Hoyer you absolutely know someone, probably multiple someones, who did vote for him.His constituency is clearly "north" of us. ;-) So if you knew we don't vote for him..why your post saying we do? Or did you mean it should be less than 40-ish percent down here? I'll certainly agree with that.
As much as Hoyer is hated people are really going to get apoplexy with his replacement when the time comes. Try Rushern Baker, the Rev. C. Anthony Muse, Donna Edwards or Marilyn Bland on for size.
Same thing will happen with Hoyer as happened with Thomas V. "Mike" Miller. People bitched and complained about him (and to be honest he threw a lot of money at Calvert over the years) but he's been replaced by someone who isn't quite sure where the County even is.