*Note to self #1* You can scream bloody murder @7am in my neighborhood and no one will hear ya!
The @$$ho!e neighbors' dogs up the road almost had us for breakfast. I was walking my dog an hour late this morning which is usually problematic in itself because all the freaks that drive by (after 7) are late for work, and they speed by at 50mph in a 25mph zone.
Unfortunately as my usual bad luck would have it, there was a silent stillness as my dog sensed danger. I had no clue what was up until those darn boxers charged us at top speed...and the gate was wide OPEN!
Before I could think of a real plan I yelled, "Stop, go home!" Well that put the brakes on number 2 --but the first one was fast approaching. By then I was across the road but he kept on coming. Still giving commands at the ferocious, growling, drooling, fang-bearing, blood-thirsty hound he stopped within 2 feet of me and my dog.
Now we had a stand-off! It was two against one --or so I thought when I realized that I hadn't heard a peep out of my dog the whole time. Still holding my leash I noticed Bear was up against my legs waiting for Momma to do something.
This is where I started screaming at the top of my lungs for these idiots to come outside and control their mutts. After a few minutes of yelling my fool head off, the dog finally started to back away slightly, and we were able to continue on.
Just by chance as I got to my garden, there was a deputy rolling by. I gave her the heads up and she said she'd go by. (I had to return home that way.) Within minutes I heard the chirp of her sirens. I chuckled to myself when I realized --she wasn't getting out of the car! Not that I blame her. She blasted the sirens again.
When she returned to the garden she told me that the @$$ho!e neighbor was really "put out" by being woken up. What a jerk! These buttheads had other boxers years ago and they attacked and bit my doberman while my son was walking him.
*Note to self #2* When running late --remember to pack the pepper spray and the stun master because I will drop that dog until the batteries wear out!
The @$$ho!e neighbors' dogs up the road almost had us for breakfast. I was walking my dog an hour late this morning which is usually problematic in itself because all the freaks that drive by (after 7) are late for work, and they speed by at 50mph in a 25mph zone.
Unfortunately as my usual bad luck would have it, there was a silent stillness as my dog sensed danger. I had no clue what was up until those darn boxers charged us at top speed...and the gate was wide OPEN!
Before I could think of a real plan I yelled, "Stop, go home!" Well that put the brakes on number 2 --but the first one was fast approaching. By then I was across the road but he kept on coming. Still giving commands at the ferocious, growling, drooling, fang-bearing, blood-thirsty hound he stopped within 2 feet of me and my dog.
Now we had a stand-off! It was two against one --or so I thought when I realized that I hadn't heard a peep out of my dog the whole time. Still holding my leash I noticed Bear was up against my legs waiting for Momma to do something.
This is where I started screaming at the top of my lungs for these idiots to come outside and control their mutts. After a few minutes of yelling my fool head off, the dog finally started to back away slightly, and we were able to continue on.
Just by chance as I got to my garden, there was a deputy rolling by. I gave her the heads up and she said she'd go by. (I had to return home that way.) Within minutes I heard the chirp of her sirens. I chuckled to myself when I realized --she wasn't getting out of the car! Not that I blame her. She blasted the sirens again.
When she returned to the garden she told me that the @$$ho!e neighbor was really "put out" by being woken up. What a jerk! These buttheads had other boxers years ago and they attacked and bit my doberman while my son was walking him.
*Note to self #2* When running late --remember to pack the pepper spray and the stun master because I will drop that dog until the batteries wear out!