Look kids! Race and SEX!!!

For President of the US of A I would...

  • Never vote for a black

    Votes: 6 8.7%
  • Vote for a black who represented my views

    Votes: 52 75.4%
  • Never vote for a woman

    Votes: 7 10.1%
  • Vote for a woman that rep'd me

    Votes: 44 63.8%
  • Never vote for someone if they were the 'wrong' religion

    Votes: 8 11.6%
  • Vote for any religion if they rep'd my views

    Votes: 36 52.2%
  • Never vote for a gay

    Votes: 12 17.4%
  • Vote for a gay if they rep'd me

    Votes: 32 46.4%
  • Never vote for a Cowboy fan

    Votes: 21 30.4%
  • Cowboy fans can NOT represent me. Impossible.

    Votes: 25 36.2%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Are you against a black as president regardless of their policies or would you be fine with it if you liked their policies? A woman? A gay man? A gay woman? Jews? Cowboy fans?

So, one, their personal characteristics, two, their polices? Multi choice!!!


Active Member
Are you against a black as president regardless of their policies or would you be fine with it if you liked their policies? A woman? A gay man? A gay woman? Jews? Cowboy fans?

So, one, their personal characteristics, two, their polices? Multi choice!!!

I would not object to any of that as long as I liked their policies. What bugs me about Obama (being a moderate) is that he was ranked the most LIBERAL congressman in 2007.


In My Opinion
all jokes aside, I dont care who they are and what the look like if they can represent my thoughts in office.

however, at this point in time with the minority giveaways, and affirmative action and race relations what they are,,, any black candidate gives me reason to suspect that things are not going to go well for the evil white man.


Main Streeter
I really don't care what they look like or what church they go to as long as they share some of my views. I say "some" because I'm one who can't claim to be a hard core liberal or conservative because my views are a mixture from both sides. Because of this, it's ussaully difficult for me to find a candidate who shares most of my views. I like Obama because he can communicate and he's not W but I still need to see more. I liked the John McCain of 2000. I'm still not sure about the John McCain of 2008.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
The only one I said I wouldn't vote for even in the repd my views is religion. It's highly unlikely that an Islamic fundie would rep my views in any significant way. If they came out and said they were for this or that or the other thing that I'm for as well, yet they were a member of a violent oppositional religion, I would assume they were lying just to get elected.
The only one I said I wouldn't vote for even in the repd my views is religion. It's highly unlikely that an Islamic fundie would rep my views in any significant way. If they came out and said they were for this or that or the other thing that I'm for as well, yet they were a member of a violent oppositional religion, I would assume they were lying just to get elected.

My thoughts exactly and this is why I did not choose the religion box. When it comes to sex and race I could care less, as long as they shared the same views as I.

Also, we know a Cowboy fan is demented to start with so based on this fact, mentally-ill people are immediately disqualified from political office thus should not be in the poll.


Well-Known Member
Also, we know a Cowboy fan is demented to start with so based on this fact, mentally-ill people are immediately disqualified from political office thus should not be in the poll.

:roflmao: :yay:

Be that as it may, I said I would vote for all groups as long as they rep'd the views I hold as my own...and I clicked both Cowboy's fan choices :patriot:


New Member
I won't vote for Obama because of his name! Just think, if Obama does win the election what kind of message does that send to the terrorist? I can see it now Bin Laden making another once of his stupid ass video speeches say how Americans have given up and decided to elect a president who has a Muslim name and how Al-Qaida has won a major victory. I'm not saying that Obama is a terrorist supporter, I'm just saying thats how people in terroist organizations will see it. Mark my words it will happen! So all you Obama marks better think about who you want to become president.


Bookseller Lady
I really don't care what they look like or what church they go to as long as they share some of my views. I say "some" because I'm one who can't claim to be a hard core liberal or conservative because my views are a mixture from both sides. Because of this, it's ussaully difficult for me to find a candidate who shares most of my views. I like Obama because he can communicate and he's not W but I still need to see more. I liked the John McCain of 2000. I'm still not sure about the John McCain of 2008.

Same here. I would have crossed my party line to vote for McCain in 2000. Don't know about him now.

Cowboy fan would be the deal breaker no matter which party. :razz:


Bookseller Lady
Are there major differences between McCain 00 and McCain 8 years older?

:lol: I saw that joke in a cartoon this week.

Seriously- he's only 2 years younger than my grandmother. I can tell you she has really, physically declined in the last 8 years (years of heavy lifting at jobs caught up to her). There are plenty of healthy and active 70 somethings out there, but you never know when and if the aging process is going to bite you in the butt.
Last edited:


I would vote for anyone that would do the right things for this country. Race, sex or religion doesn't make a difference.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

The only one I said I wouldn't vote for even in the repd my views is religion. It's highly unlikely that an Islamic fundie would rep my views in any significant way. If they came out and said they were for this or that or the other thing that I'm for as well, yet they were a member of a violent oppositional religion, I would assume they were lying just to get elected.

Then you are trapped. I don't care what religion it is, if you presume they are faithful to it then it is to the detriment, by definition, of my religion; the United States Constitution.

A devout Methodist, Catholic, Mormon, Muslim, Episcopalian or whatever puts God before country. Just ask 'em.
A devout Methodist, Catholic, Mormon, Muslim, Episcopalian or whatever puts God before country. Just ask 'em.

Agreed and that's why I stated what I did in Vrail's thread. Huckabee is a prime example. I could never vote for him because I truly believe his country would not come first.


Love is Blind
I would vote for race if they rep'd my views. Religion, (esp Islam and/or Muslem) I wouldn't, unless they had the same views and believed the same as Christians (which they don't). Gay's I wouldn't because it goes agains't what I believe. I don't have a problem w/Gay's and have friends that are gay, but it still kind of goes against my own religious beliefs. I would be afraid of bad influence and especially among young people. Since I don't know if it is something they are born with or become as they grow older, I wouldn't want to take chances.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
A devout Methodist, Catholic, Mormon, Muslim, Episcopalian or whatever puts God before country. Just ask 'em.

I don't have a problem with that if they serve a normal God who isn't calling for the destruction of another country and preaching hate.


The only one I said I wouldn't vote for even in the repd my views is religion. It's highly unlikely that an Islamic fundie would rep my views in any significant way. If they came out and said they were for this or that or the other thing that I'm for as well, yet they were a member of a violent oppositional religion, I would assume they were lying just to get elected.

:yeahthat: ....... we already know Islamofascists will lie to get ahead

Larry Gude

Strung Out
And therein...

I don't have a problem with that if they serve a normal God who isn't calling for the destruction of another country and preaching hate.

...lies the problem; can't most major religions get kinda nasty if taken very literally by good people? Plenty of Christians are worried sick about Amadinijihad and his too literal expression of his faith and worry that he will use nuclear weapons yet their solution is...to nuke him first!


all jokes aside, I dont care who they are and what the look like if they can represent my thoughts in office.

however, at this point in time with the minority giveaways, and affirmative action and race relations what they are,,, any black candidate gives me reason to suspect that things are not going to go well for the evil white man.

no problems with me what color they are. i say it would be better for a black pres, so he can debunk all the stereotypes about black people being held back. he will finally prove its only a matter of applying yourself. then we can get rid of all these policies that help people based on their color. lol