Look Up! Perseid Meteor Shower


Earth is entering a stream of debris from Comet Swift-Tuttle, source of the annual Perseid meteor shower. Forecasters expect meteor rates to peak at 100+ per hour on the night of Aug. 12-13 when our planet passes through the heart of the debris stream. Perseids produce more fireballs than any other meteor shower of the year


God bless the USA
There you are! You are the celestial activity announcer on this forum. Everyone is caught up in what is happening on Earth, we would miss so much. Going outside now. Thanks!


God bless the USA
I went out, but it is raining here (St. Leonard). :frown: Maybe tomorrow, but thanks for the heads up, so to speak! :smile:


Yep, was just out walking the dog and we both got a shower. Tomorrow should be perfect. Earlier for possible fireballs which are my favorite and then late for the main event.


Well-Known Member
hey!! thanks alot!!! I looked up and a particle of molten rock hit me on the forehead!!! Now people think I am Hindu!!!


FWIW, sky is supposed to clear after 10 tonight.

I saw a greenish and a red/orange earthgrazer yesterday evening in addition to a number of meteors when I went outside on the dock at 3 a.m. to answer nature's call.
I went out at 12, stayed until 1:30. Saw some pretty sights, but not as many as I had hoped. I'll try again tonight.