Look what I found in my bed..


My Sweetest Boy
Maybe you can talk to your vet, get him to put them on Paxil for a bit till they adjust to the change. They are just really scared right now. They have probably been with their family since birth and now are freakin out. I read that it can take 6 months to a year for a cat to completely adjust to it's new home and most people give up way too soon. Don't give up on them, but do keep them away from your Peter Stones! :faint:

Hmmmmm.... :lol:


Does my butt look big?
Hmmmmm.... :lol:

Yeah I might not wait so long..when they hiss and spit they really look mean and big teef....I watch how I hold them because if good cats go bad :faint:

Where can I get one? I already have 2 cats but Ive always wanted a hairless.

Check back in a few weeks I might know where you can get two not one..:whistle:

Just look under spynx for sale...can't usually find them at a shelter or rescue..but you never know..might even be a spynx rescue out there. If you go to cfa.org they will will list breeders also..not sure yet where this box were bred at..


Does my butt look big?
Paso, I love all your horsies! They are very pretty - what a nice collection of them you have! :cheers:

Thanks have been working on it for a few years...I am really partial to my OOAKs (one of a kind's) I have several test runs..I did not like the shelf as much as I thought I would...like them up but not the brackets..anyway they I can change that later..they are putting a new floor in the bed rooms too later so I need to get stuff off the shelf tops etc and when kido and her friends play Wee in there I am afraid they will knock them down..these cats were the last staw with getting them up..I just saw the domino effect in my head..I will get the rest up out of that cabnet and put my 10 real good ones in that I thing...I have 2 I need to take pics for the PS manual reference guide they keep track of who owns the OOAKS.....


Hmmmmm.... :lol:

Poopin in my bathroom in the tub, the sink, the shower, was kinda a little more than hubby could handle. I am sick a lot and can't get up and down the stairs like I used to and I'm not supposed to. THAT is the ONLY reason you got your cat back. He couldn't handle the constant shiat cleaning. Other than that we loved the cat. :shrug:


My Sweetest Boy
Poopin in my bathroom in the tub, the sink, the shower, was kinda a little more than hubby could handle. I am sick a lot and can't get up and down the stairs like I used to and I'm not supposed to. THAT is the ONLY reason you got your cat back. He couldn't handle the constant shiat cleaning. Other than that we loved the cat. :shrug:

:lol: You try to blend too many animals. He hasn't had an issue here.


Does my butt look big?

No! You cant get rid of my Smudgie! :duel:
He and I are attached already. I like myy nekkid kittys. :lmao:

They are walking around the room today...and rubbing against my legs when I was changing mom...One of the workers went in there to use the bathroom and the small one was all over him rubbing and rubbing..they are coming around..


:lol: You try to blend too many animals. He hasn't had an issue here.

I realize that he hasn't had an issue since I returned him. Why are you persecuting me for doing what you asked me to do. You said if it didn't work out to call you. My husband could not handle bleaching out the tub every couple of hours just cause the cat was freakin out. We even tried isolating him for a while in the bathroom WITH a litter box and he still chose to shiat in my bathtub. So we had a family meeting and decided he would be happier back with you. Now I am getting persecuted for doing what you asked. I can't fricken win! :shrug: WTF?


You're all F'in Mad...
Well I think we'd agree, hairless is better. :smile:

Actually, no Mr Bigglesworth for me... there's nothing like having a purring pussy to rub your face on. Prefer soft short hair to long hair though for obvious reasons. And grooming is important. Mine gets combed every morning...