Lookin to go a courtin


New Member
Single 50 year old scientist, lookin for a lady for courtin and maybe more. I reccon I can say I am smart, witty, well rounded, good with my hands and I have alot of tools. Momma Rugg says I am hansome with a strikin personality. If you are intrested in intellectual conversations by sodium lights in my inventin hut I'll be waiting to hear from ya.

p.s. I can't tollerate ignorance so if ya are a dummy I am sorry it wont work, me bein a scientist and all. And I am not fond of real hairy women.




New Member
appyday said:
I love you Stanley...whens our date?? Disregard my av...my horse makes my butt look big..
Should you be ridin that tiny little horse? I don't know much about horses. Small animals like dogs and cats and chickens like me. I had a pet Rooster named Harley, perhaps you read about him.

I am not sure we can go on a date yet. I have to know more about you first.


I'm Rick James #####!
appyday said:
I love you Stanley...whens our date?? Disregard my av...my horse makes my butt look big..

Don't fall for it Stan, she only goes for cops! :wink:


New Member
appyday said:
I had Henryetta (a hen) she was 16 yrs old...she lived her last 4 yrs in the house in the tub..

True story..
Harley used to sit on my head in my inventin hut when I was thinkin. He was a good Rooster, I miss him.