Lookin to go a courtin

Single 50 year old scientist, lookin for a lady for courtin and maybe more. I reccon I can say I am smart, witty, well rounded, good with my hands and I have alot of tools. Momma Rugg says I am hansome with a strikin personality. If you are intrested in intellectual conversations by sodium lights in my inventin hut I'll be waiting to hear from ya.

p.s. I can't tollerate ignorance so if ya are a dummy I am sorry it wont work, me bein a scientist and all. And I am not fond of real hairy women.


I can't believe he's gone... and with blueskies wanting to hit the dating scene and all...:ohwell:

nobody really

I need a nap
I can't believe he's gone... and with blueskies wanting to hit the dating scene and all...:ohwell:

for some reason i saw this thread and i swear i was expecting to see blueskies and her stupid "can i date?" posts "wha wha wha i wanna go a' courtin with someone". didn't realize it was an old thread till i clicked on it.