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brendar buhl said:
That is a huge point that is central to Christianity and yet completely ignored by so many Christians. This point of God's timelessness has large implications in the topic of the "Jesus documentary part two.." thread. God's perspective is what we were trying to discuss and since we are being trapped in time and God's exists outside of any limitations of time it is impossible for us to have any rational understanding of God's perspective.

Have you ever been to www.tenthdimension.com? Cool stuff, but it might leave your brain a little sore.

I avoided this part of the topic, however, because to get a bigger picture, you have to include every universe with every infinite number of infinite timelines. It's much easier to just talk as though there were only ever one, because it's the only one we have any perspective on.

It also makes the free will argument more complex, because in a ten dimensional universe, every single choice you could possibly make diverts the dimension you're in, but it's still already there.


New Member
you know it is funny that most everybody does not like the king james version but the bible that you read comes from the king james and when copied they have to change some of the words of the bible so you are reading part of Gods word and part of mans word..... but in the end you will be judged by the whole word of God and not mans word....:)


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
ehr543 said:
you know it is funny that most everybody does not like the king james version but the bible that you read comes from the king james and when copied they have to change some of the words of the bible so you are reading part of Gods word and part of mans word..... but in the end you will be judged by the whole word of God and not mans word....:)
Not quite true.

The King James Bible, first printed in 1609 as 80 books including the Apocrypha, and again in 1611 with 80 books, is not a translation but a "modern" English version of The Bishops Bible which was printed in 1568. The King James Bible that is used by most protestant churches only contains 66 books; that version was first published in 1885. The original and the two revisions of the King James Bible are cut and paste jobs and not translations.

The first complete compilation of the 80 books of the Bible including the Apocrypha is the Jerome's Latin Vulgate Manuscripts produced in 390, but most people don't read Latin. They were translations from the original Hebrew-Aramaic, Hebrew, and Greek texts. The Greek texts of the New Testament were completed by 100 AD. What we consider the Old Testament was completed by 200 BC and included the 14 books of the Apocrypha. The 39 books that Christians consider the Old Testament were completed about 500 BC. So if you want to read the original Bible you have to be fluent in three ancient languages because the modern Hebrew and Greek are not quite the same as the ancient.

The New American Standard Bible is a translation, not a rewrite of an older English version. The translators that compiled the New American Standard went back to the earliest manuscripts that were available to them to make the translation. The New American Standard Bible has been widely acclaimed as the most literally accurate translation to English from the original languages.

The Amplified Bible is another translation. Both The New American Standard Bible and The Amplified Bible were translated by The Lockman Foundation.

The King James Bible is beautifully poetic, but it is not the original Bible. It is not even the original English version of the Bible.


New Member
i am glad that you are putting your faith in the Lockman Foundation for me i will not....:) I am a simple man not well educated but the Lord said that he would make the wise foolish with the simple things of God.....:) the king james is taken by faith and nothing else to love God is to love his word.....:)


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
ehr543 said:
i am glad that you are putting your faith in the Lockman Foundation for me i will not....:) I am a simple man not well educated but the Lord said that he would make the wise foolish with the simple things of God.....:) the king james is taken by faith and nothing else to love God is to love his word.....:)
Glad for you. I have nothing against the King James Bible. I have several. And I do not put my faith in any other than my Lord and Savior Jesus, the Christ, God Almighty.

I am just trying to show you that by thinking that the King James is the only version is not right. It is the same as those of the time of King James saying the King James is terrible and there is only one true version of the Bible and it is The Bishops Bible.

Read the King James Bible. I know many love the poetry of the Old English which was the modern English of King James day. King James authorized the new version of the Bible in the English language of the day, because The Bishops Bible and the Geneva Bible were old English to them and King James wanted a "modern" English version. The frontispiece of the King James Bible does not say "Authorized by God"; it says "Authorized by King James."


New Member
the bibles that are produced today all have copywrites that does not allow you to use no more than a very small amout of there material in a surmon and the holders of the copywrites get a percentage of the sales of their books the king james you can preach the whole bible in one night and nobody can say a word. the world in king james time was not money driven like today. the 2 largest growing companies in the usa today is the medical and relegion feilds. most all things today are money driven ( check and see who holds the rights to your bibles )


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
ehr543 said:
the bibles that are produced today all have copywrites that does not allow you to use no more than a very small amout of there material in a surmon and the holders of the copywrites get a percentage of the sales of their books the king james you can preach the whole bible in one night and nobody can say a word. the world in king james time was not money driven like today. the 2 largest growing companies in the usa today is the medical and relegion feilds. most all things today are money driven ( check and see who holds the rights to your bibles )
The text of the New American Standard Bible® may be quoted and/or reprinted up to and inclusive of five hundred (500) verses without express written permission of The Lockman Foundation, providing the verses do not amount to a complete book of the Bible nor do the verses quoted account for more than 25% of the total work in which they are quoted.
That would be for each sermon.

Try again.


New Member
so God is restricked to 500 verses, or less than one book, or 25% of the total work.... i am glad that God is limited to what he can do the that bible....:) and we wonder why people are not healed , or blessed......


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
ehr543 said:
so God is restricked to 500 verses, or less than one book, or 25% of the total work.... i am glad that God is limited to what he can do the that bible....:) and we wonder why people are not healed , or blessed......
God is not limited at all. Nor are you in using the New American Standard or any other Bible in the context of a sermon. It is only in the republishing of the work that any approval is required and then only if you go beyond the limits stated. You will find that the King James Bible publishers also copyright their work. It is not the text of the Bile that is copyrighted. It is the work in the publishing and the other study helps and Bible studies that are copyrighted.

You really ought to open your mind to the Truth instead of your very limited definition of truth. God's word, the Bible is the Truth, and it is not limited to the King James. You want to limit the power of God to only working through the King James; you are imposing limits on God. Good luck with that.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
ehr543 said:
there is a few things that are important to me in this world but karma is not..... trueth hurts.....
It is a double edged sword from the mouth of Christ. You may want to look at how it is cutting you.


New Member
God does not work thru the bible , the bible is the word which is Jesus , God works thru the people that believe the word....... the whole word any time you take anything out of the bible ( words or the changing of the word ) the Lord said he would take that person's name out of the book of life and if you add to the bible then he said he would add all the plagues in the bible ...... now i take the oldest bible version i can get and that is the one i will cling to the king james ......


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Just a thought...

However much I like reading from the King James,
I am not dogmatic over it. Recently they have reproduced the Geneva Bible which very likely was the scriptures used by the Pilgrim Fathers. In addition, I am aware that several codex were made available to evangelical scholars which were NOT allowed in the compiliation of the King James and (including Vaticanus and Sinaticus (?) and thus: NAS is fine with me too.

I DO have a sincere problem with those who preach/teach from contemporary gender neutral and audience scripted versions (ie the teen Girl's bible...or "The Word" or The Living Bible")-not bad to read on one's own but NOT to expound from.

Carry on... :popcorn: