I unfortunately must agree with others that this thread isnt going to go well. I've been around very few pits in my life so I cant vouch for the breed either way. I wish you luck in finding a suitable home!
I will say that the one I was around the
longest (maybe 4 hours) attacked and nearly killed a neighbor's dog... The owner of the pitbull is literally 6'6" and built like a brick shythouse. He couldnt pull the pit off the neighbor's dog, no matter what he tried. Blood was everywhere... it was nasty.
But then again... I was waiting in the LuvMyPet line at Petco one day to get shots for my Aussie and there were 3 pits (2 puppies, one 2 y/o) in line directly behind me. There were tons of other dogs and a bunch of kids there, too. The pits were perfectly behaved and really friendly toward everyone - human and canine. I tried to pet another Aussie that was there and she lunged at
my Aussie! I remember thinking "Dang we were better off around the pitbulls..."
Just my .02 on the soon to be coming subject of whether or not pits are bad dogs or not