Looking for a GYN in St. Marys


Dream Stealer
Dr. Polsky is wonderful. Just wonderful.

As busy as they are, dr. polko's office is really good too, they are handy mostly because there are so many providers you can easily get an appt, and they have two triage nurses so you can always get ahold of someone for an emergency apt, a script, or test results. The providers don't have the same wonderful appeal of dr polsky, but are handier sometimes because of the size of their office and ammenities


I've been seeing Nurse Anne Naru at Dr. Polko's for a few years now and she's great.

Same here. When I started at Dr. Polko's office, it was just her and Anne. They are both great, and since Dr. Polko has two other doctors that deliver babies now, I made sure she was there for my delivery. She is awesome!!