And as usual, I feel I have to write a novel and use lots of smilies because your comprehension skills are drastically deficient.
You made 3 assumptions that I don't help cats and kittens at all, and then when I called you on it -- you state-- well of course we all know you help cats and kittens. WTF? Now you attack the writing style and use of smilies.You are truley grasping at straws.
Better yet. STFU- is that simple enough for you?
Why the foul language Dems...is that suppoesed to make you a meaner bully?
Try being nice..and people will be nice to you!!
We will not talk about all the kittens your cats used to produce and you would not get fixed until someone stepped in and took them away to get then vetted for you.
I hope your maturity and learning from past mistakes will make you a better pet owner so no more strays have to die on the road.
Have a nice night and drive carefully!!!