Looking for a mobile car wash or detail place in St. Mary's County


New Member
Being I'm pregnant myself I'm not worried about messing with pregnant women. I can be as big a ##### as the rest.

sockgirl77 said:
Actually, your hubby and his friends were like my big brothers in high school. We all hung out and shot pool in your hubby's basement. I was one of the guys with them. BTW~your hubby is a great guy that I have much respect for so I'll leave you alone. In the future, be careful who you mess with! Pregnant women can be real biatches. Especially when you are stupid enough to call them gross! :yay:


beachlvr said:
So I guess the one who isn't born doesn't matter yet???

FYI, my husband is the father of my kids, yes all 3 of them and I do count the one in my belly as #3.
starcat's pregnant? :faint:


sg, my hubby seen you at wawa. He said you're gross and stuff. :yay:


Cleopatra Jones
nomoney said:
Stable enough in my relationship not to worry about that, besides he knows you and would stay away.

My hubby said he only accepted a back scratch from you cause you were handing them out to the rest of the fellas.


New Member
Beware of Internet Skanks

beachlvr said:
My husband does detailing on the side on the weekends. Rates are reasonable. If you are intereted I can give you his cell number.
I've read your entertaining post.... bet you didn't know you'd have to deal w/ the internet skank just to give information about your husband's detailing business.
Pathetic... she must not have anything better to do with her time than add her two cents into every single post.
I bet she has a hotornot and a myspace account too along w/ every instant messenger imaginable.


Salt Life
officeshizzle said:
I've read your entertaining post.... bet you didn't know you'd have to deal w/ the internet skank just to give information about your husband's detailing business.
Pathetic... she must not have anything better to do with her time than add her two cents into every single post.
I bet she has a hotornot and a myspace account too along w/ every instant messenger imaginable.
You're so cool. :nerd:


New Member
Shut up, you're ugly

Wow, thanks!! that's nice of you. Can we be friends? Maybe I'll be like you and spend all my time farting around on these threads. Rock on.
Can you ask smellysocks if she's F***ed my man too?