Looking for a new hair salon and spa???


New Member
Really Bluewater!!! According to your older posts, you go to Beverly, oh wait no Katie, i mean Andrea, I mean Bethany, I mean Josie? Which they all work at Bella Salon. Sounds to me like you must work there or OWN it. Weren't you the original person who posted the thread "Where is Josie?" You were miraculously looking for your stylist Josie and then letting everyone know she left Total Ecplise and moved to Bellas. But wait hasn't Beverly been your Stylist for years. So why were you looking for Josie? You seem to know what every other salon in the area is doing and constantly bad mouthing them. Its called slander!!!!!

haha you r funny never been a business owner, just dont like dumb people hooting and tooting be careful slinging legal terms which u know nothing about i dont reaaly care where u go this person was simply looking for a good place sounds like u must be a lonely housewife maybe u should try doing something positive meow