Looking for a vet


New Member
Hi everyone,

I live just south of La Plata and I'm looking for reccomendations for a vet for my cat. She's having some tooth problems and has to have some dental work done. I was thinking about trying the clinic in White Plains. Has anyone here had any experience with them? Any info that you can provide will be very much appreciated. It's so hard to trust a stranger to take care of one of my babies.


New Member
faeriefolk said:
Hi everyone,

I live just south of La Plata and I'm looking for reccomendations for a vet for my cat. She's having some tooth problems and has to have some dental work done. I was thinking about trying the clinic in White Plains. Has anyone here had any experience with them? Any info that you can provide will be very much appreciated. It's so hard to trust a stranger to take care of one of my babies.

Hi, I use Dr. Eric Pressman from White Plains Animal Clinic and he is great! He is an excellent surgeon and is conservative in his approach to treating the animals. In that, I mean he will always start with the less invasive approaches. This saves you money and the animals unnecessary stress. I have both cats and dogs. He also works with rescue groups and has a heart for the animals he treats. I have referred him to many of my friends and they all love him. :yay:


New Member
Thank you! I'll give them a call now. Poor girl has a tooth that is pointing out. She's getting a lot of wet food out of it, but I think that she'd rather have it out completely.


New Member
Animal Clinic of La Plata
Dr. Ivan Cunningham
6885 Glen Albin Road & Rt 301 N.
P.O. Box 1732, La Plata, MD 20646-1732
Phone: (301) 932-1881


New Member
Thank you again for the reccomendation. Dr. Pressman was great! I used to work in vet medicine and I met more than one vet who would add on every procedure that he or she could think of just to drive up the bill. Dr. Pressman updated her vaccines, took her temp and looked at her tooth. He said it should come out on it's own and to keep an eye on her. He said that if they have to pull it they'll do a quick polish but he doesn't want to do a full scaling on her because once you start doing that it has to be done on a regular basis. He even let me hold her myself! He had every oppurtunity to drive the bill up, (Gen is a 9 year old purebred, so if surgery were done she'd need bloodwork and probably inhalant anesthetic only. I could have easily spent $600-$700 at some clinics.) but he didn't. I can't tell you how much it means to me to have someone I can trust to take care of my critters. You've done me a great service.

Sorry I didn't see the other post before I posted my last one. Thanks for the reccomendation mizteresa, but I brought my dog Max there once and the doc I saw, (I can't remember who it was now.) tried to send us to a specialist up in Baltimore for an old scar on one of his corneas even after I explained that he was injured as a puppy and aside from a cloudy eye it had never given him any trouble. There is a disease that causes blindness in border collies so I can see why he tried to refer us, but I just didn't feel like he was listening to me and I guess it kind of turned me off. Thank you for replying though.


New Member
faeriefolk said:
Thank you again for the reccomendation. Dr. Pressman was great! I used to work in vet medicine and I met more than one vet who would add on every procedure that he or she could think of just to drive up the bill. Dr. Pressman updated her vaccines, took her temp and looked at her tooth. He said it should come out on it's own and to keep an eye on her. He said that if they have to pull it they'll do a quick polish but he doesn't want to do a full scaling on her because once you start doing that it has to be done on a regular basis. He even let me hold her myself! He had every oppurtunity to drive the bill up, (Gen is a 9 year old purebred, so if surgery were done she'd need bloodwork and probably inhalant anesthetic only. I could have easily spent $600-$700 at some clinics.) but he didn't. I can't tell you how much it means to me to have someone I can trust to take care of my critters. You've done me a great service.

Sorry I didn't see the other post before I posted my last one. Thanks for the reccomendation mizteresa, but I brought my dog Max there once and the doc I saw, (I can't remember who it was now.) tried to send us to a specialist up in Baltimore for an old scar on one of his corneas even after I explained that he was injured as a puppy and aside from a cloudy eye it had never given him any trouble. There is a disease that causes blindness in border collies so I can see why he tried to refer us, but I just didn't feel like he was listening to me and I guess it kind of turned me off. Thank you for replying though.

I'm glad you were happy with him! I work with Lucky Ones, a dog rescue, and he does all of the animals at the spay/neuter clinic in Charlotte Hall too. He truly has a heart for animals and I've seen him turn all shades of red when he sees how some vets just run tests to up the bill. Good luck with your baby!


New Member
Dr Pressman

Well, you both may want to think twice about using Dr.Pressman in White Plains.

I took my then 5 year old cat, Max to him in Dec 06, because Max was urinating outside the litterbox and straining. The urinalysis was clear and I told Dr. Pressman about my having two cats many years ago that had FUS. He told me, oh, there have been many changes over the years. He said Max had a stress problem that caused irritation, prescribed Amitryptillene (sp?). Max had about two more episodes proir to Nov 07, when I took him back in to Dr. Pressman because there was now blood in the urine. Dr. Pressman did not do a urinalysis, even though he had not seen Max in 11 months, not to mention hematuria!!!!! He gave us an antibiotic, "just in case" there was an infection and said "just keep him happy and calm". On December 22, I noticed Max straining again and started him right way on the meds. The next day he was lethargic, but those meds did that at the full dose. Max urintaed on himself that evening, just as he had done the month before when I took him in to the Dr. The next day, Max wasn't perking up like I expected him too. That evening, when I moved him from one room to another, he started open mouth breathing. I took him right away to the Emergency Clinic in Waldorf. They took him back quickly, but by the time they got him on the table, he had stopped breathing. CPR was performed without success. My 6 year old baby died on Christmas Eve.

It took me about a week before I went on the internet to look up how this could have happened. What I found out has angered, no, enraged me! What Max had were the symptoms of FLUTD, which has a high incidence of leading to a complete blockage!!!! DR PRESSMAN NEVER, EVER TOLD ME THIS!!!! He never told me that I could or should make changes in the food and feeding times as well as litter box placement and other precautions. Not to mention the fact that he did not do a urinalysis on a patient he had not seen for almost a year that was presenting with blood in the urine!!!!!!!

If you want to believe that Dr. Pressman is so great because he does not charge for unecessary tests, then you are gambling with your pet's life.

If you think this case is a fluke, let me tell you about my 3 yr old male, who I took to Dr. Pressman for vaccinations. Chopper had bad breath, which I reported to Dr. Pressman. His response? "Oh, some cats just have stinky breath." Well, after what happened with Max, Chopper was the first to go to our new vet and GUESS WHAT? Chopper has dental disease and already, four of his teeth need to be removed. I saw them myself and they are rotted half through or are already loose and wiggling! NOW HERE IS THE WORST PART. Halitosis, or bad breath, is a common, and I stress common, symptom of Feline Leukemia Virus and Feline Autoimmunodeficiency Virus!!! Not to mention, if not the primary disease, it is secondary to something else going on, especially in a young cat!!!! AND TO TOP IT OFF, when the new vet called over for Chopper's vaccination record from Dr. Pressman, I discovered Dr. Pressman had only vaccinated him against Rabies and Distemper, and not FLV/FIV, which is the basic standard for vaccinations in any and all cats!!!

This man killed Max, my BFF, I have no doubt of it whatsoever. I have not checked the BBB and State Vet Board but I will be. I have not spoken with Dr. pressman nor do I ever wish to. PLEASE BELIEVE ME THAT YOU MAY VERY WELL BE PLAYING RUSSIAN ROULETTE WITH YOUR PETS LIFE. I would have rather paid $1,000 for tests and medicines than to have lost a very, very dear friend.

Like I said, you could blow this off as a bad experience or coincidence or freak occurrence or whatever with one pet, but not when you look at how he BLEW OFF the care of my younger cat as well. MAX SHOULD NOT HAVE DIED FROM THIS CONDITION AND WOULD NOT HAVE DIED AT THE AGE OF SIX IF NOT FOR DR. PRESSMAN!!!!!

Please, for you and your loved one's sake, do not trust him to do everything that is needed for you and your pet. When I told my new vet what had happened he told me "we don't play that game" and that they will tell me everything they feel my pet needs and let ME make the decision.

By the way, the Emergency Clinic in Waldorf was great in the face of this horrific tragedy. They even refunded me 75.00 because they weren't able to save Max. I plan on making them aware of how Max came to them on Christmas Eve as well.

Good luck and God bless,
Max's Mom