Looking for crazy prankster friends.


Obama destroyed America
Edbassmaster on youtube you will rofl forsure for hours
Yo dude, this weekend it's on! Where you located? We'll choose the best place.

I'll tell you about the time I spiked Kwillia's brownies with ex lax. She was leader at the world juggling compitition and she poo'd her tights!! :killingme


Edbassmaster on youtube you will rofl forsure for hours

Have you ever tried "dick knobbing" that is my favorite prank of all time. I like to have slumber parties with all my boys, get them drunk, throw a stink bomb into the bedroom where they are all sleeping and then play this sweet prank on them.


Yo dude, this weekend it's on! Where you located? We'll choose the best place.

I'll tell you about the time I spiked Kwillia's brownies with ex lax. She was leader at the world juggling compitition and she poo'd her tights!! :killingme

That was so lame. Nothing beats the time we had you thinking that your sister had been killed in a drive by. Man you were actually sobbing like a lil' girl. :killingme *memories*


They're out to get us
Yo dude, this weekend it's on! Where you located? We'll choose the best place.

I'll tell you about the time I spiked Kwillia's brownies with ex lax. She was leader at the world juggling compitition and she poo'd her tights!! :killingme

That's amature stuff. One time we got our buddy deported and recorded it when border patrol came to take him away. The look on his face was PRICELESS! I wonder if it was ever uploaded to Youtube.


New Member

Im in callaway have you been to grid iron? I wana do some crazy stuff like in jackass the movie anyone have any good ideas? Whos gona be the creator? Show me what you really got.


Im in callaway have you been to grid iron? I wana do some crazy stuff like in jackass the movie anyone have any good ideas? Whos gona be the creator? Show me what you really got.

I just want to run around naked all the time and surprise people by putting my balls over their eyesockets.


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
I put salt in the office coffee mess sugar dispenser once. How outrageous is that, huh? Whoa...


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
I just left there...didn't want to miss anything you crazy fellers might have had planned for tonight. Was crowded but quiet.

You can spot me real easily..I'm the guy that is looking nervously around the whole time I'm sitting there.


New Member

Ok Ok im dealing with some sick sick people lol. I'll be there out front at 630 ask for Joe. If your late I'll be inside drinking the jagar boom boom


Obama destroyed America
Ok Ok im dealing with some sick sick people lol. I'll be there out front at 630 ask for Joe. If your late I'll be inside drinking the jagar boom boom
Can't wait to meet you Joe! What kinda prank you wanna start off with? Lets loosen the caps on all the salt/pepper/ketchup bottles on the tables! :killingme