Looking for fishing partner


Smarter than the average bear
PREMO Member
I'm looking to see if anyone is up for fishing the next 3 weeks. Monday through Friday in the 3 county area. I have a boat that can take 1 additional person. If anyone has access to lake lariat that would be a bonus. I've never fished there before. St. Mary's lake, andrews, wheatley & myrtle grove are a few other possibilities. The ponds on base are also fishable but you need a base permit to fish there. PM me if interested or you have any questions.


Well-Known Member
Reminder, St. Mary's Lake has a duck blind spot on it (well, 3 of them, but only one open during the first split) and duck season starts Saturday.

Gracious of you to offer. I wish I had any time to do anything besides work at the moment.


Nothing to see here

We had good luck at Pond 1. All kids caught about 5 blue gills each. I caught one and lost 3. Spent most of the time baiting crickets on the hook so I would lose the fish that strike my line. Not bad for two hours. The time flew by and everyone had fun. It was a good day yesterday.


Smarter than the average bear
PREMO Member

We had good luck at Pond 1. All kids caught about 5 blue gills each. I caught one and lost 3. Spent most of the time baiting crickets on the hook so I would lose the fish that strike my line. Not bad for two hours. The time flew by and everyone had fun. It was a good day yesterday.

Sounds like a nice time. When I took my kids fishing when they were young, I left my pole home. I knew it was going to be a lot of hands on. I still had fun just the same.


Long Haired Country Boy
Ad Free Experience
Sounds like a nice time. When I took my kids fishing when they were young, I left my pole home. I knew it was going to be a lot of hands on. I still had fun just the same.

I learned this with my daughter. I swear I turned my back for one second and it looked like a twister grabbed the line and wrapped her like a mummy.

With my son, he set the his little all-in-one outfit down just as a puppy drum took the lure. We spent the next 15 minutes chasing the rod around the creek. With the hollow handle popping up here then there, it was quite an adventurous trip!