Looking for Ms. Right


Well-Known Member
Um excuse me but she is almost six TYVM!!!!!!!!!

SIX???? For real? Geebus, this is more serious than I thought. I'll start saving my plastic cups for you. I can't have her going off to 1st grade thinking all people live in houses with no glasses.


Well-Known Member
We have plenty of sippie cups.

Rich, give it up. You know damn good and well 6 is too old for a sippy cup. Are you trying to ruin that poor girls life forever? That's it, I'm signing you up for a dating web site. I'll have to give your work number though, hope that's ok :lmao:


Well-Known Member
Rich, give it up. You know damn good and well 6 is too old for a sippy cup. Are you trying to ruin that poor girls life forever? That's it, I'm signing you up for a dating web site. I'll have to give your work number though, hope that's ok :lmao:

The sippy cups are for him. :dork:


Yeah. BUT I may have a bf for your little girl if she's cute enough.
You met her at the campout. And yes, she is super cute!

WTF are ya'll smacking me for? :smack:
:huggy: Better?

Rich, give it up. You know damn good and well 6 is too old for a sippy cup. Are you trying to ruin that poor girls life forever? That's it, I'm signing you up for a dating web site. I'll have to give your work number though, hope that's ok :lmao:
I don't have time to date. I'm trying to raise a little girl by myself.

The sippy cups are for him. :dork:
Who told you :tantrum