Looking to form a gaming group


New Member
We're in Hughesville and we're looking to start a table-top role-playing gaming group. We're looking for experienced players, but we're willing to teach if you've ever been curious in games like Dungeons and Dragons.

Our primary game of choice is the GURPS system but we're willing to learn other systems. Looking for people to not only play, but to game master as well so no one is stuck running the game all of the time.

Also playing various card games (munchkin, frag, etc).

Times and dates not set until we have enough interest and can hash out schedules. Looking for mature players, we like a bit of hack-n-slash as much as the next couple, but we do also like a good mind warper as well.

Mainly we're newish to the area and are looking for people of like minded interests to hang out and have a good time with over chips and dip and soda.

Contact us through the forum's mail system if interested.


New Member
This sounds awesome but when we play Dungeons and Dragons, I always have to be the dungeon master.


New Member
We're in Hughesville and we're looking to start a table-top role-playing gaming group. We're looking for experienced players, but we're willing to teach if you've ever been curious in games like Dungeons and Dragons.

Our primary game of choice is the GURPS system but we're willing to learn other systems. Looking for people to not only play, but to game master as well so no one is stuck running the game all of the time.

Also playing various card games (munchkin, frag, etc).

Times and dates not set until we have enough interest and can hash out schedules. Looking for mature players, we like a bit of hack-n-slash as much as the next couple, but we do also like a good mind warper as well.

Mainly we're newish to the area and are looking for people of like minded interests to hang out and have a good time with over chips and dip and soda.

Contact us through the forum's mail system if interested.
Uh... Wut? :confused:

Cant we play some rockband over some Captain and Cokes? :shrug: Dont even have to drive anywhere Im online. :killingme


Major Nelson is my hero
We're in Hughesville and we're looking to start a table-top role-playing gaming group. We're looking for experienced players, but we're willing to teach if you've ever been curious in games like Dungeons and Dragons.

Our primary game of choice is the GURPS system but we're willing to learn other systems. Looking for people to not only play, but to game master as well so no one is stuck running the game all of the time.

Also playing various card games (munchkin, frag, etc).

Times and dates not set until we have enough interest and can hash out schedules. Looking for mature players, we like a bit of hack-n-slash as much as the next couple, but we do also like a good mind warper as well.

Mainly we're newish to the area and are looking for people of like minded interests to hang out and have a good time with over chips and dip and soda.

Contact us through the forum's mail system if interested.

Awesome!!! I have been looking for a good table topping group. I usually play the Star Wars, Spycraft, Polaris, and GURPS Infinite Worlds.

I would like to try out a home brew game with nice character creation or an indie game like the Shadow of Yesterday.

I really down for playing any game based on the D20 system.


New Member
Uh... Wut? :confused:

Cant we play some rockband over some Captain and Cokes? :shrug: Dont even have to drive anywhere Im online. :killingme

The whole point of posting this here in the meet and greet was so we can, oh I don't know...actually MEET people. We have plenty of online friends, but we were actually looking for people to invite over and have real time interaction with that didn't involve typing at 45wpm.

And if I wanted to form a online gaming group, I'd have posted for an online gaming group.


New Member

Some people read "role-playing" and immediately associate it with computer games. No, this is the kind of game where you actually meet other humans. Pretty bizarre, I know.

GURPS sounds great to me; it's my game of choice.




New Member
Some people read "role-playing" and immediately associate it with computer games. No, this is the kind of game where you actually meet other humans. Pretty bizarre, I know.

GURPS sounds great to me; it's my game of choice.



I used to enjoy reading the GURPS critical tables... They were so creatively morbid!


New Member

I used to enjoy reading the GURPS critical tables... They were so creatively morbid!

Yeah, I like the fright check tables. You add the degree of failure to a 3d6 results roll. But the table goes up to 40! You have to get some really extreme modifiers to top out on the table.

Anyway, think you might want to jump into a game, TurboK9? Hey Skruddgemire, did you get my e-mail? Are we going to start a GURPS game, or what?