Looking to form a gaming group


New Member
Still looking for players? I've been eagerly trying to find a group for some time. The extent of my experience includes numerous MMOs and RPGs on the computer, but never actual tabletop games. Hit me up!


New Member
Yeah, I like the fright check tables. You add the degree of failure to a 3d6 results roll. But the table goes up to 40! You have to get some really extreme modifiers to top out on the table.

Anyway, think you might want to jump into a game, TurboK9? Hey Skruddgemire, did you get my e-mail? Are we going to start a GURPS game, or what?

Oh good greif I have'nt done any RPing in years. And years. And years. I think GURPS had out maybe a whole 3 or 4 sourcebooks when I was playing...

It's tempting, but then when would I have time to work on my boats?