Looks like Bush has lost most of the gay vote for sure.


Football addict
Gooseneck said:
I don't think that Bush was ever courting the gay vote. How can you lose what you never had?

Did you read the article? It said that in 2000 one million gay persons voted for Bush. Not much but it would certainly help in the seemingly tight race.


Well-Known Member
And did you know...

that 12 zerpoid cephalapods from the outer galaxy voted too?

This is just another example of a made up statistic, perhapse skewed from some small test group and extrapolated into the millions. Its pure Barbra Streisand.

Do gays take more polls than everyone else and then tell the world how they "feel?"

I have had the same phone number & address for over 15 years and have only ever had one pollster ask if I listen to country music.
Thus: the ridiculous claims of any "pollster" who throws a random number out there.

So Gays...go vote, worship at John Kerry's feet. Just have the courtesy to bring the anti-bacterial wipes with you in the voting booth.


Football addict
Hessian said:
that 12 zerpoid cephalapods from the outer galaxy voted too?

This is just another example of a made up statistic, perhapse skewed from some small test group and extrapolated into the millions. Its pure Barbra Streisand.

Do gays take more polls than everyone else and then tell the world how they "feel?"

I have had the same phone number & address for over 15 years and have only ever had one pollster ask if I listen to country music.
Thus: the ridiculous claims of any "pollster" who throws a random number out there.

So Gays...go vote, worship at John Kerry's feet. Just have the courtesy to bring the anti-bacterial wipes with you in the voting booth.

This information was computed (mind you) from the 2000 exit polls. I suggest you take a look.



Well-Known Member
Are You Gay or Lesbian All Gore Bush Buchanan Nader
Yes 4 % 70 % 25 % 0 % 4 %
No 96 % 47 % 50 % 0 % 3 %

OK...Math time kids...
If 4% of a total voting public claims it was queer...
and 25% of those disturbed people voted for Bush,
what precentage of the total vote (for Bush) was queer?

um...1% of all the voters?
Very Good!

Now look at the chart kids...how many people participated?

Excellent! I wonder if that is a good representation of the 10's of millions that voted?

Last question Class, now pay attention:
If 1% of the Bush's voting public equalled 1,000,000...How many people voted for Bush?

Let's try Christy:
Um...100,000,000 people? (35% of the total population?)

Christy, please put your calculator away sweetie.

OK Kids...its time for extra credit:
How many people actually voted for Bush and ...
if you take 1% of the total number...does it equal one million?

Lets let Buddy Lee solve this one Ok class?
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
Now Steve, we've already talked about letting the kids that need extra help participate more...besides, you're already in the next workbook!
(You can be line leader today ok?)


Enjoying life!
Hessian said:
Now Steve, we've already talked about letting the kids that need extra help participate more...besides, you're already in the next workbook!
(You can be line leader today ok?)

Yippee! Gee willackers, thanks Mr. Hessian! Wait until I tell the fellas.


Well-Known Member
Buddy Lee, consulting a gay digest to get the scoop on the "enormous" impact they have on election lacks a certain quality...unbiased assessment.

They claim 4.2 million fired up voters...yet you read other Gay propaganda...they claim that 8-9% of America is Gay. (25 million?) and yet they can only mobilize 1/6th of their ilk?

More smoke, fabrication, and fiction.

The overall impact on the election would be even less than the flat earth society.


staring into the abyss
Hessian said:
OK...Math time kids...
If 4% of a total voting public claims it was queer...

No, 4% of the 13,130 respondants
13,130 is a bit more than 1/10,000 of the voters (104,000,000) which represents about half the population of the US.

You're trying to extrapolate a population percent based on a poll of voters on CNNs web site, which only tallied about 0.001% of the total possible voters. You are assuming that the poll was scientific, annonymous, and reached a significant statistical sample.

None of these facts hold up. For example, census data shows that African Americans make up 13% of the US population, but the CNN results show 10%of the respondants were black. A 2% difference equaling 4.1 million people. The results are also skewed toward college goers/graduates, which makes sense given that those people would be internet-savvy.