Lowe's Of St. Mary's


Mostly settled in...
Ad Free Experience
I swear those self-check-out machines are the originals and they are always "out-of order".
They are an older model running on Windows 7 for Point of Sale.
Supposedly, we are getting new machines later this year.
From what I've seen, they look a lot like the ones used by CVS.


happy to be living
As a Lowe's stockholder, it pains me to see anything that makes products hard to find. Long lines mean people get frustrated and leave without buying. Dead plants are negative profit. You would think corporate would do inspections periodically.

I occasionally try to shop the smaller places, but usually come up empty or the store is closed by the time I have time to get there. Sunday's foray to Meadow Farms, however, was great - had the plants we wanted with one person in the checkout line ahead of us.
Recently I made two trips there for annuals and native plants. Nice and friendly staff, too.


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
. Sunday's foray to Meadow Farms, however, was great - had the plants we wanted with one person in the checkout line ahead of us.

As a young lad in my teens and very early 20s, back in the 70s up to about 1981, I worked in the landscaping/nursery business. We bought plants wholesale from Bill Meadows when he had just the one large nursery/farm up in Montgomery county. Heck of a nice guy...it's been good to see how far and wide he managed to develop and expand the retail centers.


Well-Known Member
I try to avoid that place, the parking lot and drive-up pick-up are accidents waiting to happen. I swear those self-check-out machines are the originals and they are always "out-of order".

I go to ACE in Lusby, Loews could learn a thing or two from them!
I think the previous ones asked for your phone number, but if you put in the stores phone number they crashed, I have a friend with a phone number that is only different by one digit and he found out by accident.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
In defense of Lowe's - and I've made my complaint on this thread - is when it comes to CERTAIN things, they've been great - and their competitors either cannot provide what they provide - or don't HAVE what they provide.

We've bought almost all of our major appliances through them over the years. With discounts, sales and deals - we've comparison shopped and nobody beats them when all tolled up. And they deliver and install and haul away old appliances. I needed a good pair of pruning shears the other day - went to other places first - they didn't - have - ANY. Lowe's had several different kinds. Lowe's carries pool supplies - and I buy the ones that are better than the other ones I can find. They have parts I can't find anywhere else. Their hardware area is - extensive. My wife prefers their lighting department and I know I can always get exactly the right bulb or cleaning item or refrigerator filter.

In a pinch, any contractor working on our house - when they need something quick - like, within an hour - Lowe's has it. That's their draw. They HAVE it. It's why I often shop at BJ's - or Harris Teeter - or Wal-Mart - because all things taken together, when I want sugar-free strawberry banana jello or dried pineapple or 96% lean ground beef - I know they will have it. The smaller stores - well the best they can do sometimes is say "we can order it for you". And hell, I can do that. We were in Lowe's in Virginia once when we held a family outing and we needed extra foldable tables and chairs - and they had plenty.

What do I NOT like about Lowe's? Customer support. Anyone under 30 I ask help from - if I can FIND them - usually they don't know crap about anything. Another? LINES, especially during the pandemic, but ESPECIALLY the garden area, which I've stopped shopping at UNLESS I can't get it elsewhere or I am savvy enough to get it when I know no one else is shopping there (rainy cold days, early, late). I have totally walked out of that place because lines are ridiculous. The self-serve usually functions as an express lane - but not any more.

Small stores? If the guy in front of you has a few hundred items - and you have a light bulb? Good luck - they have ONE register running. And they won't open the other one, just for YOU.

And it's not as though big box stores don't - fail. My dad used to shop at Hechinger's near his house. Once they were everywhere around DC. They've been gone twenty years. It happens. I was watching an old movie that referenced "Circuit City". Remember them? Lousy service, poor management - and Best Buy beat them.


the poor dad
Oh yeah, I agree 100%. Unfortunately, sometimes I can't get what need timely from the local places. Dyson's is awesome. Quick story... (Don't be mad TPD)... But I even saw TPD in Lowe's shopping once upon a time. Or maybe he was on a recon mission. 😉
Recon, merchandising ideas, price checks - you gotta know what the competition is doing. Just checked my receipts and the last time I bought something in Lowes appears to be in 2017 for a total cost of $13.76. Can't remember what it was.


Well-Known Member
I gave up on bookstores when they told me they could order it (from Amazon most likely).

I've gone to a few small businesses and while there they got packages from Amazon.


What makes the Lowes in SMC stink so bad is that it services both St. Mary's and Calvert County. We went last week for a few things and I was horrified at how bad it has gotten. I live in Mechanicsville and many of the neighbors say they just go to La Plata now.


If I may ...
If I may ...

If Calvert could actually build a Lowes over there it would help a great deal.
Where in Calvert? Don't you think that Lowes and Home Depot have already run the numbers to put one of their stores there? And even if they did want to and actually break ground, there is no place in Calvert big enough, (land size and zoned properly), for them. Many a commissioner, and planning and zoning, board, made sure of that.


Well-Known Member
If I may ...

Where in Calvert? Don't you think that Lowes and Home Depot have already run the numbers to put one of their stores there? And even if they did want to and actually break ground, there is no place in Calvert big enough, (land size and zoned properly), for them. Many a commissioner, and planning and zoning, board, made sure of that.
I'd say out skipjack road in PF


Active Member
Was it a super walmart or a big box hardware that wanted to go in where the Armory building is in Prince Fred? The developer/company tried to be slick and say it was an X-square foot building, which was allowed, but then didn't want to count the outdoor garden area as total SF. Calvert has been diligent in fighting the rezoning of town centers.


Well-Known Member
Was it a super walmart or a big box hardware that wanted to go in where the Armory building is in Prince Fred? The developer/company tried to be slick and say it was an X-square foot building, which was allowed, but then didn't want to count the outdoor garden area as total SF. Calvert has been diligent in fighting the rezoning of town centers.
They are also a huge pain in the ass. One of my friends tried to open an outdoor RC car race track, one of the things needed was a simple stand for about 10 people to stand on. They kept insisting that because of the size it needed electric and plumbing, the only thing it was for was to stand on while driving. The solution was to park a flatbed trailer there with it on it.