
Add me to the list of lymies... they ran two tests on me - the blot and the other one that just says positive or negative.. that one was positive and the blot was positive too. My primary care doctor admittedly knows nothing about lyme and was able to get me into the infectious disease doctor in about 5 days for treatment.

They ran IgG things and IgM things - both were positive, the IgG had 3 positive brackets or whatever they are called, out of about 8 I guess? - I can't remember the numbers of the brackets, they are each assigned a 'number' - anyone know what that is for? The IgM blot test was positive with two of the three brackets.

Apparently this will be 'cured' with two weeks of doxycycline... 100mg in the morning and 100mg at night. This is according to the infectious disease doctor I saw today (St. Mary's... I won't say names but I was NOT impressed...) It didn't seem to me like she really knew much about lyme herself - will two weeks worth of antibiotics really get rid of this? I've been feeling crappy for quite a while now - my most prominent symptom is the brain fog/memory problems and the extreme fatigue.

I don't even remember being bitten by a tick in the past - I am not an outdoorsy person, we have no pets... we don't live in a very rural area and we don't live around any woodsy areas. If I can get this mess, anyone can get it - I've been putting off the test for ages now thinking there was no way it could possibly be lyme with no memory of a tick bite and really no possibility of being bitten in my mind.

To those of you that have been encouraging the testing - thank you. I actually read a thread about lyme on here and thought that I might as well get tested - I never thought it would be positive, not in a million years.

So will these antibiotics really work or should I just go ahead and make an appointment now with a more knowledgeable lyme doc? Are there any in St. Mary's??

Absolutely get another doctor who works with Lyme patients. The standard minimum now, I believe, is 30 days of anti-biotics. A few good doctors have been recommended on this thread. Please contact one of them and make an appointment.


Active Member
So will these antibiotics really work or should I just go ahead and make an appointment now with a more knowledgeable lyme doc? Are there any in St. Mary's??

Please make an appointment with a more knowledgeable lyme doc. AND DO IT NOW! Better to be safe than sorry.

So far, I have taken three weeks of antibiotics. I am still waiting to see a lyme knowledgeable doctor, which should happen at the end of this month.

The antibiotics didn't do it for me, my symptoms have gotten exponentially worse in these past few weeks.

I have heard three months of antibiotics for people displaying "advanced" symptoms (symptoms beyond the display of the rash).
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another LD support group forming....

Hi everyone! There is another support group JUST forming, it is being started as ONLINE only, for the time being until the "kinks" are worked out. (Most of us go to the Support Group at the Calvert hospital as well.) The new group is NOT for Calvert County residents only, ANYONE can join in. You can't get enough info on LD. If we get enough people into this group it could branch out!
Here is the link: CalvertCountyLyme :