Not quite as bad as I thought. Too much kumbaya, let's all get along, and Maher tended to think cross talk ok and that he was the night's special guest.
Most of the segments, Greg picks a person to start and goes around the room with the rest, and cross talk is contained in joking. Bill caught on quickly, and backed off a little when he wanted to be nasty. It being his show, Greg was able to stay ahead of him.
Bill was a little biased and a bit wrong about his own "Politically Incorrect". He didn't have differing views - he'd have ONE differing view, and the show was a pile on, for theconservative differing view. It took someone with brass balls to stand up to the crowd. The different view was there so the others could prove THEIR point of view was RIGHT, and the dissenter was wrong.
Still, he behaved himself and got a spot at the end to promote his book. However, I would be very surprised if he ever came back - unless he writes another book.
Most of the segments, Greg picks a person to start and goes around the room with the rest, and cross talk is contained in joking. Bill caught on quickly, and backed off a little when he wanted to be nasty. It being his show, Greg was able to stay ahead of him.
Bill was a little biased and a bit wrong about his own "Politically Incorrect". He didn't have differing views - he'd have ONE differing view, and the show was a pile on, for the
Still, he behaved himself and got a spot at the end to promote his book. However, I would be very surprised if he ever came back - unless he writes another book.