Mail Conspiracies .....


Well-Known Member
If you can drive to a post office to use their box, you can drive to the polls and drop it in the box outside or drive to the election office in Leonardtown and drop it in the box there, just like the primary election.

That's going to be what I do, drop it off at the Election Office. No way would I trust the USPS with my ballot. There's been way too many times that I haven't received my own mail (and it's always something important).


Well-Known Member
There's also the option of putting it in your mailbox and put your flag up if you have that type of mailbox. There's enough options out there to mail or not to mail.


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
That's going to be what I do, drop it off at the Election Office. No way would I trust the USPS with my ballot. There's been way too many times that I haven't received my own mail (and it's always something important).
Mail service around here is so stunningly unreliable that we’ve gotten in the habit of sending all important mail either by registered letter...or UPS


Well-Known Member
Mail service around here is so stunningly unreliable that we’ve gotten in the habit of sending all important mail either by registered letter...or UPS

Same with me. Also, anything of importance, I signed up to get my bills thru my email.


Well-Known Member
I wonder how many people that are complaining the most actually know where a mail box is located and how many times they have used it in the past. I can't think of any in this area that aren't located at the Post Office.
I know of a few, I actually use them to drop my bill's in.


Well-Known Member
That's going to be what I do, drop it off at the Election Office. No way would I trust the USPS with my ballot. There's been way too many times that I haven't received my own mail (and it's always something important).
This year you also have the option to drop it at any polling place if you can't get to the election office. There will be a dedicated receptacle for it.


PREMO Member
FLASHBACK: The Obama-Biden Administration Removed Thousands of USPS Collection Boxes

“President Trump has made no secret about his desire to suppress voting in the November 2020 election,” said American Federation of Government Employees National President Everett Kelley. “His effort to raise doubts about the U.S. Postal Service’s ability to deliver ballots cast by mail is just one example of how he hopes to dissuade Americans from voting.”

Democrats are calling the removal of collection boxes “voter suppression,” and Senator Jon Tester (D-Mt.) is calling for an investigation.

Pop singer-turned-political-whiner Taylor Swift even accused Trump of being behind a “calculated dismantling of USPS.”

But the fact is the removal of mail collection boxes has been going on for years as part of cost-cutting efforts for the postal service and had nothing to do with the 2020 election.

In September 2016, the USPS inspector general noted that “Nationally, the number of collection boxes declined by more than 12,000 in the past 5 years.” This means that the USPS, during the Obama-Biden administration, removed thousands of mail collection boxes. Was this a diabolical plan by Obama and Biden to suppress the vote in 2020? Did Trump make them do it?


Well-Known Member
Crappy USPS service is nothing new. I stopped using my local post office 15 years ago because they kept losing my mail, incoming and outgoing. It sucks when you mail a bill payment and they lose it.
Almost all transactions are electronic now.

In a way, that helped the decline of USPS since they needed the revenue from postage to survive.

Delegate Norton in DC is asking her residents who have lost or delayed mail to contact her. By email.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
There's also the option of putting it in your mailbox and put your flag up if you have that type of mailbox. There's enough options out there to mail or not to mail.

Well, that.

Most people have a method to send and receive mail from their residence. Hell, we live in campgrounds and can send/receive mail.


PREMO Member
The Manufactured Hysteria Over Mail Delivery

So what’s all the hubbub about? The letter carriers say they can deliver the ballots on time. The postal employees claim they don’t need the extra cash. Where, pray tell, is there a “crisis”?

Nancy Pelosi knows. In fact, she’s about to call the members of the House of Representatives off the campaign trail and back to Washington to deal with the “crisis.”

Pelosi and other top Democrats, including House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) and House Majority Whip Jim Clyburn (D-S.C.), discussed the possibility of returning early during an emergency leadership call Saturday afternoon.
Democrats are looking to address organizational issues at the Postal Service in the coming weeks, not to provide additional funding at this time, according to sources familiar with the discussion.
Nothing says “crisis” in Washington quite like pulling politicians away from their campaigns for a political stunt like holding an “emergency” session of Congress.
One option would be to vote on a modified version of a bill introduced by House Oversight Chair Carolyn Maloney (D-N.Y.) earlier this week that would prohibit USPS from implementing a planned organizational overhaul that critics maintain would handicap mail-in voting.
Other top Democrats also floated addressing other issues, including expired federal unemployment benefits and voting rights. But Democratic sources said the immediate focus — at least for now — is preserving the Postal Service ahead of the election.
So now Democrats want to become experts at mail delivery and dictate to management how the mail is to be delivered? Sheesh.
The media is doing their part in fanning the flames of crisis. Some of the headlines are choice.
  1. “USPS removes mail collection boxes and reduces post office hours as critics accuse Trump administration of voter suppression” — CNN (Obama removed tens of thousands of mail boxes without a peep from the unions or Democrats)
  2. “Trump’s assault on the U.S. Postal Service gives Democrats a new campaign message” — Washington Post
  3. “Postal Crisis Ripples Across Nation as Election Looms” — New York Times
  4. “Exclusive: UPS, FedEx warn they cannot carry ballots like U.S. Postal Service” — Reuters
That Reuters headline is hysterical. UPS and FedEx are not supposed to carry ballots. They aren’t the U.S. Postal Service. There would have to be an act of Congress before they could carry ballots.


PREMO Member
Trump On Claims Of Post Office ‘Sabotage’: ‘What Am I Supposed To Do? Let It Continue To Run Badly?’

“I’m just making it good,” Trump said, according to Fox News. “We have a very, very good business guy running it, and … I want to make the post office great again.”

“And we’re making it so it is going to be good and we’re going to take care of our postal workers above all,” Trump continued. “We’re not firing people.”

“What am I supposed to do? Let it continue to run badly? So if you fix it they say, ‘Oh, he’s tampering with the election,’” Trump said. “No, we’re not tampering.”

DeJoy, a former shipping executive and GOP donor, is running a trial program in about 200 cities called Expedited to Street/Afternoon Sortation (ESAS). The program is designed to cut down the number of overtime hours that postal employees work, which cost the independent agency more than $1 billion in 2018, a 31% increase over the year before.

The pilot operation switches post office employees’ morning and afternoon/evening duties. Typically, employees have done office work in the morning while waiting for the mail to arrive before going out on delivery. No matter when the route starts, it must be finished that day and has led to USPS workers putting in substantial overtime.

DeJoy’s arrangement makes employees run the delivery route in the morning with whatever mail is in, then return to the office in the afternoon to finish office work and leave on time. The trade-off, then, is customers receive mail about 12 hours later than normal, and the USPS spends less on overtime.


PREMO Member
Pelosi says the House has to return to vote on USPS funding in order to protect Social Security checks. There's just one small problem.

As part of her push to get House members on board with her plan to force members to return from recess to vote on a funding package for the United States Postal Service, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) sent a letter on Sunday to her colleagues in the House explaining the reason they are being recalled. In that letter, Pelosi argued that it is vital for Congress to immediately pass her funding request because Americans rely on the Postal Service to deliver, among other things, "Social Security benefits" and "tax returns."

There's just one problem: the government hasn't been sending those items via mail for over a decade. In fact, the government announced in June 2010 that all Social Security "checks" would be sent via direct deposit and that people who were scheduled to receive these checks but did not have a bank account would be issued a Treasury Department Direct Express Debit MasterCard, onto which funds would be loaded electronically.

In response, a USPS spokesperson pointed out that collection boxes have been dwindling for years per a long-standing policy that calls for their removal when usage falls below a certain level. In fact, the Washington Post noted in 2009 that approximately half of all collection boxes in the United States had been removed in the preceding 20 years, a natural consequence of the shift away from paper mail and toward electronic mail, as well as increased competition from private carriers.


PREMO Member
USPS crisis: Democrats urge FBI to open criminal inquiry into postmaster general

The two Democrats’ letter referred to reports that the postmaster general, Louis DeJoy, and the USPS board of governors “have retarded the passage of mail”, and said evidence suggests actions have been taken “to affect mail-in balloting or was motivated by personal financial reasons”.

“We request the FBI to look into whether postmaster general Louis DeJoy, or members of the board of governors of the US postal service, committed any crimes,” the congressmen wrote.

Trump denied that he had encouraged DeJoy to slow the mail in answer to a question from reporters outside the White House Monday.

“No, not at all,” Trump said. “Wouldn’t do that. No, I have encouraged everybody: Speed up the mail, not slow the mail.” Trump said the administration simply wants to ensure that the post office “runs properly” and then contradicted himself, saying “the Post Office is running very well”.

The chairperson of the House oversight committee, Carolyn Maloney of New York, announced Monday that her committee would quiz DeJoy in an open hearing next week about policy changes, saying she was “pleased” that DeJoy had agreed to testify.

“The American people want their mail, medicines and mail-in ballots delivered in a timely way, and they certainly do not want drastic changes and delays in the midst of a global pandemic just months before the election,” Maloney said in a statement.


Well-Known Member
Trump Supporters are Stealing Mail Trucks ....

Many Democrats are pushing for broader mail-in voting opportunities ahead of November’s general election, citing coronavirus concerns. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has been one of the most vocal Democrats to support mail-in voting, saying it’s crucial for voters’ health. Trump and his allies, however, have denounced mail-in voting, citing corruption and a stall in counting the final tally.

Conservative radio show host Mark Levin slammed journalists as “liars” for a lack of reporting on cases in which mail-in ballots caused disruptions during elections.

"Let me give the media some evidence, from the media," Levin said on Sunday before rattling off cases in which mail-in ballots caused voting disruption. "Here's a piece in Just The News. Half a million, half a million, by my calculation, that's 500,000, incorrect absentee-ballot applications sent across Virginia, including to dead people. Look at this one, 'Nevada sent more than 200,000 mail and primary ballots to the wrong addresses.' Wow."

Truck breaks down it gets towed for repairs. Or you can leave it there to get stripped for parts.


PREMO Member
No, the Postal Service Isn’t Stealing the Election

As usual in such controversies, the president has said stupid and alarming things that stoke a hysteria that is immune to fact or reason.

There were already suspicions regarding changes to the postal service’s operations when Trump said last week that if Democrats didn’t get the money they seek for the postal service, there can be no universal mail-in voting. But, as Byron York of the Washington Examiner points out, the $25 billion for the postal service in the latest COVID-relief bill passed by the House was meant as a general bailout that had nothing to do with processing mail-in ballots. The bill has another $3.6 billion for something called the Election Assistance Commission that would go, not to the postal service, but to states “for contingency planning, preparation, and resilience of elections for federal office.”

There were delays in mail-in balloting in the primaries before DeJoy showed up in June. (DeJoy is a Trump donor, but he had success with shipping and logistics in his business career and was unanimously approved by the postal service Board of Governors.) The changes that have drawn such fevered criticism are all commonsensical.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
A possible positive in Democrats attempt to use the US mail for voter fraud... Not sure if it would apply, but if it does, it might also be felony "Mail Fraud" as well which carries a 20 year federal penalty.
