Making your hungover sick child soup


All Up In Your Grill
bohman said:
I intend to be a merciless SOB if my kids present me with this situation. I will employ several of the solutions mentioned above, and all the ibuprofen will mysteriously turn up missing. Hopefully they can be smart enough to do what I did, which was to never let a hangover happen till I got to college, and could skip class to nurse a hangover in peace. :whistle:

For the moment, I will breathe easy knowing that my 1 1/2 year old has many years to go before I have to think hard about this.

Well, put this one in your memory bank too.

My mom knew I drank, but never really said much to me, she made me pay for it in different ways. We lived on a farm, and it would never fail that the morning after one of my long nights, it would be my morning to feed the animals.

And it never failed that Dad would need help in the fields, and it would be 95 degrees at 7am. Or, we'd be stripping tobacco and the stripping house would be a balmy 95 degrees and reeking of tobacco.

And she always started us off with a big breakfast. :dead: Followed by a big lunch. And always swore that Orange Juice was the best way to start the morning.

And Sunday mornings were the best. If I didn't get up and get my chores done before church, SOMETIMES she'd let me sleep. But I'd be awakened by a nice pitcher of ice water thrown right on top of me. Oh yeah, and she'd always feel the need to sit right in the front of the church on those mornings. With the choir to our immediate right.


I know this is going to be hard to believe but I was a very bad teen the last year or so I was home. That is all.


New Member
nachomama said:
Well, put this one in your memory bank too.

My mom knew I drank, but never really said much to me, she made me pay for it in different ways. We lived on a farm, and it would never fail that the morning after one of my long nights, it would be my morning to feed the animals.

And it never failed that Dad would need help in the fields, and it would be 95 degrees at 7am. Or, we'd be stripping tobacco and the stripping house would be a balmy 95 degrees and reeking of tobacco.

And she always started us off with a big breakfast. :dead: Followed by a big lunch. And always swore that Orange Juice was the best way to start the morning.

And Sunday mornings were the best. If I didn't get up and get my chores done before church, SOMETIMES she'd let me sleep. But I'd be awakened by a nice pitcher of ice water thrown right on top of me. Oh yeah, and she'd always feel the need to sit right in the front of the church on those mornings. With the choir to our immediate right.

WOW! You guys are harsh! My mom knew we drank, let us drink or whatever and the next day she was taking us to McDonalds so we could get a coke and a hash brown w/a McMuffin(best cure for a hangover). Well I'll put it this way, when she was home she would! Otherwise we were driving our drunk buts up there to get sober @ 7am! Then we would go home and sleep till 2pm and do it again the next night! This went on for about 4-5 months when I was in high school!


Lem Putt
Poohhunny1605 said:
WOW! You guys are harsh! My mom knew we drank, let us drink or whatever and the next day she was taking us to McDonalds so we could get a coke and a hash brown w/a McMuffin(best cure for a hangover). Well I'll put it this way, when she was home she would! Otherwise we were driving our drunk buts up there to get sober @ 7am! Then we would go home and sleep till 2pm and do it again the next night! This went on for about 4-5 months when I was in high school!

Do you consider this to be a good thing or a bad thing?


Well-Known Member
nachomama said:
And Sunday mornings were the best. If I didn't get up and get my chores done before church, SOMETIMES she'd let me sleep. But I'd be awakened by a nice pitcher of ice water thrown right on top of me. Oh yeah, and she'd always feel the need to sit right in the front of the church on those mornings. With the choir to our immediate right.

Oh yeah, Sunday mornings could be harsh. We'd also wind up sitting in front, and there's nothing like incense to make a sick stomach worse.


New Member
MMDad said:
Do you consider this to be a good thing or a bad thing?

I don't think of it as a bad thing, but I myself am not a big drinker considering the stuff I used to drink back in the day. 16-20 was pretty much my heaviest drinking period and to tell you the truth we did it all at home because it was cheaper than going out to a bar and all of us could agree on what to do every night. We had a beer pong table set up in our basement, pool table, big screen TV, yada yada. We had everything we needed at home. 4 30packs and a good game going and we were set for the night. We were not bad kids though, we never left while drunk(except morning runs to McDonalds, when we were sobering up after drinking until 5am) but, we never really drank and drove. Everyone was 21 too except myself and my friend we at the time were 17 but, my brother and his (15) friends were 21-25, so wasn't really a bad thing. Not necessarily good either, but my mom new she could trust us.


Lem Putt
Poohhunny1605 said:
I don't think of it as a bad thing, but I myself am not a big drinker considering the stuff I used to drink back in the day. 16-20 was pretty much my heaviest drinking period and to tell you the truth we did it all at home because it was cheaper than going out to a bar and all of us could agree on what to do every night. We had a beer pong table set up in our basement, pool table, big screen TV, yada yada. We had everything we needed at home. 4 30packs and a good game going and we were set for the night. We were not bad kids though, we never left while drunk(except morning runs to McDonalds, when we were sobering up after drinking until 5am) but, we never really drank and drove. Everyone was 21 too except myself and my friend we at the time were 17 but, my brother and his (15) friends were 21-25, so wasn't really a bad thing. Not necessarily good either, but my mom new she could trust us.
17 kids with 120 beers, teens drinking, drunk driving, and that's not a bad thing.



I wanna be a SMIB
I was a bad teenager BUT I NEVER came home drunk. And what kind of mother lets her kids drink at home? Bad parenting.


New Member
MMDad said:
17 kids with 120 beers, teens drinking, drunk driving, and that's not a bad thing.


Well they weren't teens, like I said just my friend and myself were younger, everyone else was legal. We never really drove anywhere, we knew when to stay in! Like I said we had no reason to leave the house. Plus it was my senior year in high school, wouldn't have changed it for the world!

I know some parents disagree about this, I'm not saying it was right for my mom to be so non chalant(sp?) about it, but like I said, we never really were bad or drove after we started drinking, so she knew we could be trusted.


I wanna be a SMIB
Oh and I forgot, I would work that hangover out of him. He will need to sweat the poisons out of his system. And its going to be HOT HOT HOT today.


Cleopatra Jones
I only came home drunk once when I was underage and I didn't even "come home". I called daddy to come get me. I wasn't totally smashed to the point of puking so there was no hangover. We were also allowed to drink at the house so getting drunk wasn't some huge novelty for us.

BUT, after coming of age I often spent the night at my parents house because the other half worked shift work and I had some creepola in my hood and just didn't feel safe there alone. Anyway, the first time I went out after baby #2 was a night I stayed at my parents. I didn't realize I was getting that tore up (but isn't that always the case) and literally had to hang my head out of the car window just to make it to the house. My friend that was driving was done with stopping every hundred or so feet. I got carried up the stairs and put on the floor of my bathroom at my parents. Luckily it was a very close friend who drove me and was very familiar with my parents. He went and woke my mom up and she came into the bathroom and rubbed my back and kept my hair out of my face. In the morning she got up with the baby and big pig and let me sleep it off. I was miserable and felt terrible that my mom was taking care of my kids because I was foolish. I felt like a bad mom and forgave my mom for all the rotten things she'd ever done to me because she was being the best mom ever when I needed her.