Male birth control pill coming soon!


Lawful neutral

Scientists have made a breakthrough which could be key to developing a male contraceptive pill.

The discovery uses a peptide which changes the way human cells work, “switching off” sperm’s ability to swim, to render men temporarily infertile.

Scientists hailed the results as “startling – and almost instant.”

It raises the prospect of a fast-acting pill or a nasal spray that a man could take hours or even minutes before sex.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
The discovery uses a peptide which changes the way human cells work, “switching off”

The coming developments in nanotechnology and nano-bioltech are going to be incredible. The problem is, as usual in the US, the battle between doing good for people vs. caring for what really matters, profits.
Just like the automated car is a mortal threat to the $1 trillion a year auto accident industry, the health care industrial complex has even more at stake, over 1/6 the economy, or something like $3 trillion a year is at risk.