You do not even realize how full of yourself you are.
Did you ever think no one wants to "come alongside of me and help me" is because your are so narcissistic, no one can stand being with you?
Actually, no.
The type of Bible studies I have gone to is where someone is reading the notes in their study bible which is not wrong and parents buy their kids study bibles so they get something out of it but that is not the proper way to study the bible.
That is not the way to move onto spiritual maturity.
Another reason is that I behave from the manner I was taught in church some 40 years ago.
Decisions are to be made on teachings (doctrines) because God designed us for His pleasures so as long as you think doctrine is not more important or self is more important, you will not be fulfilled in life as God intends and what we do in this life may or may not matter in eternity.