Man rapes 2-mo old gets 6 mo jail


New Member
I can assure you this is no hoax or virus.I came across a news report on the internet about a man named Joseph Lehman Jr. who raped his 2-mo old daughter. This man's father is the head of the Department of Corrections for Washington state. The King county Prosecutor's office has entered in to a plea agreement with Joseph Lehman Jr.: 6 months in jail, 3 years sexual deviancy counseling and lifetime monitoring. This is terribly inadequate. That poor child cannot speak for herself. Will you please help by signing the petition to go to Judge Kessler who will be handing down the sentencing on 12/05/03? A copy is also going to the King county prosecutor's office. On the petition there is a link to their office to give your opinion about this plea agreement. Won't you please help mother and child? I have included news links so you can read for yourself about this terrrible injustice. The prosecutor says the reason for the light sentence is because he is a first time offender while Joseph Lehman Jr. has admitted to molesting a 9-year old in the state of Maine. No charges were filed there, so he will get a slap on the wrist here. I personally feel that if his family were not so politically connected he would never get a deal like this one. Conjecture? Please read the news accounts and decide for yourself.
God Bless,
Sheri E. Miller
New Article on the petition:


New Member
Man rapes 2 mo old, gets six mo in jail

Yes it is. The baby's mom signed the petition and I sent her my phone #. We were on the phone for like three hours last night. Lehman Sr. should be behind bars, not the head of the DOC for the way he has treated this 23 year old disabled mother. They claim the baby is not thier son's. The state of WA conveniently lost the papers she filed for child support. She has no car and is disabled. She also suffers from PTSD as a result of seeing this disgusting act being performed on her two month old. It's a travesty, really. And the Lehman family is more twisted than licorice. Sickening...


American Beauty
PREMO Member
Sherim PMd me telling me what a bad attitude I have. :confused:

I guess she doesn't realize that I am the resident meanie.


b*tch rocket
Re: Man rapes 2 mo old, gets six mo in jail

Originally posted by sherim
Yes it is. The baby's mom signed the petition and I sent her my phone #. We were on the phone for like three hours last night. Lehman Sr. should be behind bars, not the head of the DOC for the way he has treated this 23 year old disabled mother. They claim the baby is not thier son's. The state of WA conveniently lost the papers she filed for child support. She has no car and is disabled. She also suffers from PTSD as a result of seeing this disgusting act being performed on her two month old. It's a travesty, really. And the Lehman family is more twisted than licorice. Sickening...

So Sherim, what is your relationship with this mother, also, what is her disability? Just curious. :confused:

Sad story, poor kid. Anyone twisted enough to try and bugger a 2 month old should get the death penalty. Sick effer.


New Member
Reply to christy

I talked to her for the first ime last night. As it states in the article on the original post, I never even met her. I read about it and it made me sick. She has had to have two knee replacements and recover from that and now PTSD.


b*tch rocket
Re: Reply to christy

Originally posted by sherim
I talked to her for the first ime last night. As it states in the article on the original post, I never even met her. I read about it and it made me sick. She has had to have two knee replacements and recover from that and now PTSD.

So how did you become so closely involved?


New Member
Reply to DANZIG

I am confused. I have been banned? The only handles I ever use are sherim and sherease. And I'd like to know why if I was banned how I am able to post? I have posted it a lot of places. In order for the petition numbers to grow, I have to get the word out. I had no idea that was against the rules...sorry. But I feel sorrier for that mom and baby.
God Bless,


American Beauty
PREMO Member
Re: Reply to DANZIG

Originally posted by sherim
I am confused. I have been banned? The only handles I ever use are sherim and sherease. And I'd like to know why if I was banned how I am able to post? I have posted it a lot of places. In order for the petition numbers to grow, I have to get the word out. I had no idea that was against the rules...sorry. But I feel sorrier for that mom and baby.
God Bless,



New Member
Reply to Christy

Because I saw a wrong and tried to help make it right. It's that simple. I have not stake in this other than I want to see mom and baby get justice.


Not dead yet.
Re: Reply to DANZIG

Originally posted by sherim
I am confused. I have been banned? The only handles I ever use are sherim and sherease. And I'd like to know why if I was banned how I am able to post? I have posted it a lot of places. In order for the petition numbers to grow, I have to get the word out. I had no idea that was against the rules...sorry. But I feel sorrier for that mom and baby.
God Bless,

The banning thing is just Danzig's tag line aimed at another user, not you.


Re: Rose red

Originally posted by sherim
It's " not too clever" to keep insulting people.... what's your problem anyway?

I dont think she's insulting you; i think she's confused as to why you think you are banned? You're not......but you do owe rose an apology. :wink:


New Member
Rose Red

I apologize... I am sort of new to these types of boards and get a bit defensive when people question my intelligence since I feel it has gone down about 20 points since brain surgery and chronic illness...Sorry,