Man rapes 2-mo old gets 6 mo jail


b*tch rocket
Re: Rose Red

Originally posted by sherim
I apologize... I am sort of new to these types of boards and get a bit defensive when people question my intelligence since I feel it has gone down about 20 points since brain surgery and chronic illness...Sorry,

:yikes: So whatcha got Sherim?

Nanny Pam

Re: Reply to Sherim

Originally posted by Steve
Way to go! Nothing wrong with taking a stand! Which is exactly why I want to get Rupert back on the island!!

Make your vote count! Rupert back! Rupert back! ....


New Member
One brain aneurysm that has been clipped and one that ha not. It's too small to do anything with and too deep in the brain but it screws with me from time to time.


b*tch rocket
Originally posted by sherim
One brain aneurysm that has been clipped and one that ha not. It's too small to do anything with and too deep in the brain but it screws with me from time to time.

Yee gads, sorry to hear that.


Asperger's Poster Child
Re: Rupert ROCKS!

Originally posted by sherim
He's the only reason I watched this show. I voted for Rupert.

This is how out of touch I am with TV these days--I confused Rubert with Ruben from American Idol. Maybe Survivor should have a Karaoke challenge! :lol: