Man Throws Shoes At Bush In Iraq (VIDEO)


Habari Na Mijeldi
Iraqi Throws Shoes At Bush Press Conference (VIDEO)

"McClatchy reports that the man who hurled his shoes at Bush during his press conference was an Iraqi journalist. CNN notes that this is considered a significant insult in Iraq:

An Iraqi television journalist hurled two shoes at President Bush on Sunday during a joint news conference Bush was holding with Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al Maliki to mark the signing of a U.S.-Iraq security agreement.

Bush had just finished his prepared remarks in which he said the security agreement was made possible by the U.S. surge of troops earlier this year, whhen the journalist, Muthathar al Zaidi pulled his shoes off and hurled them at the president. "This is a goodbye kiss, you dog," Zaidi shouted.

Bush dodged the shoes and was not struck. Bodyguards quickly wrestled Zaidi to the floor and hauled him, kicking and screaming, from the room. Two other Iraqi journalists were briefly detained after one of them called Zaidi's actions "courageous."


"Typical White Person"
Gotta give it to 'ol Bush, he looked quite spry there. Hopefully, in Iraq, his punishment will be to cut both his feet off, that way he won't have a need for shoes any longer.


Habari Na Mijeldi
Just think, if the guy had scored a hit, Boosh would have been the first CINC to receive a Purple Heart! :killingme


Obama destroyed America
Yeah, and the guy from Iraq wasn't so civilized either.

Now that we've commented on Nono and the reporter, do you have anyone else we should insult?
Oh don't get me started...

Michael Moore
Arianna Huffington
HArry Reid
Faygget Frank
Nancy Peloser



Lovin' being Texican
Just think, if the guy had scored a hit, Boosh would have been the first CINC to receive a Purple Heart! :killingme

What a stupid schmuck you prove yourself to be. Have you forgotten Caroline Kennedy's father? Rather than shoot off your mouth and continue to prove your stupidity, check out the facts.


"Typical White Person"
That dip sh!t should think about the fact that if not for Bush and just a few short years ago if he'd of done that he would of been drug off, his whole family arrested and probably killed.


New Member
party bush.jpg
Did someone say party!!


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
You know, all in all - Bush handled it very well and took it with a grain of salt! Heck, he's been verbally pummeled by many in this country for 7-1/2 years - ducking from a shoe probably seemed like it was nothing.

OTOH, Geraldo Rivera is on right now & he's madder than a wet hen! :killingme: Go figure.


New Member
That was a SWEET dodge.

props to the president for that!

Where the hell was the secret service though?

They're supposed to take bullets .... and bullets move WAY faster than shoes.


That was a SWEET dodge.

props to the president for that!

Where the hell was the secret service though?

They're supposed to take bullets .... and bullets move WAY faster than shoes.

That was my question.


The mighty Al-Sonsie!
Austin Powers: Ouch! That really hurt! Honestly, who throws a shoe?

Stupid muslims that's who. Hitting someone with a shoe is somehow considered more insulting than hitting them with most other objects in their sad back asswards culture. Remember the excited mobs hitting the Saddam statues with shoes when they were pulled down?


Dancing Up A Storm
Nonno, does the fact that our President might have been injured - turn you on?

You are one sick SOB! Go for it, you far-lefty!

PS: You suck! :smack:


New Member
I think the secret service shoulda mowed him down. Now THAT woulda been funny. I don't care who you are :killingme