Man Tosses Son's Puppy off 5th Floor Balcony


Well-Known Member
baileydog, I know if you rethink that post of yours about "women breeding with abusers" you do not mean it. I know you are angry as the rest of us about this. If you did mean it, sorry you feel that way, but thats not always the case. Usually the abuse starts after the little ones arrive.

....and elaine:

They love their parents unconditionally, until they no longer can.

So true.

Unreal. This is turning out to be like everything else in this world today, being someone elses fault besides the one who actually threw the puppy to its death!
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Poor puppy! It's just a sad situation all around, for the two kids and the puppy that got thrown into a bad situation. When a kid wants a pet it more often than not the parents that get to take care of it, but they need to realize that going into it, instead of getting mad when the kid won't take care of the pet properly. Of course who's to say what actually happened for the kid to bring a puppy into the household, the article didn't mention.


wandering aimlessly
elaine said:
People who have mean parents want to think there's some good somewhere. The mean things, the bad dismissed by children. They love their parents unconditionally, until they no longer can.
That is true. And the father may have been the one to actually bring in the pet with the "it's your responsibility" speech during a calm and loving moment. Unfortunately, it is that inconsistency of one minute nice, the next evil that allows violence to perpetuate in a household with the victims feeling that they brought it on themselves or that it won't happen again.

Then again, this may be the first violent outburst from this person. Not enough background information to evaluate the situation----other than no sane person throws a puppy to their death.