Mangini Outski??


Did I correctly hear a sportscaster say that Farve is retiring again?

oh hell.....I am not ready for that mess again....

The last I heard was he was having an MRI on his shoulder, but the soreness might go away now that Mangini is gone...I guess they didn't get along at all...

I really hope that the Farve retirement circus is over....all it has done was put a black eye on an otherwise stellar career (2nd half of this season withstanding.)


New Member
oh hell.....I am not ready for that mess again....

The last I heard was he was having an MRI on his shoulder, but the soreness might go away now that Mangini is gone...I guess they didn't get along at all...

I really hope that the Farve retirement circus is over....all it has done was put a black eye on an otherwise stellar career (2nd half of this season withstanding.)

Farve is now happy that Mangini is gone. Media reports described how Mangini would call out Farve and his mistakes. Farve didn't like it. So of course the Jets fired Mangini to please Farve in hoping he will return (thats just my opinion).


New Member
Im so sick of the Farve circus, please retire. I think Mangini will make a good coach down the road. Good on him for calling out Farve and treating him like everyone else. Farve is such a baby...


Football addict
Should have never fired the Mangenius. The Jets are either dumb or cursed as duly noted by Chad Pennington beating his old team to win the division yesterday.

The Mangenius will get another gig not this year but next.:yay:


Football addict
The Mangenius is going to speak with the Browns. I think this would be a good match.

The Brownies need a defense oriented coach.:yay: