Many cutting the cord on cable/satellite


If you are in the market for a new TV, I just bought a Smart TV... Love it! All you need is a modem with internet connection. Tons of free stuff, plus you can add apps such as Netflix, Hulu, etc.

I just realized I'd need a 2nd Roku for my bedroom but I think I'll just put a wifi Blue Ray player in there with those apps on it. TV watching is minimal in my room. But thank you. :huggy:


Well-Known Member
I just realized I'd need a 2nd Roku for my bedroom but I think I'll just put a wifi Blue Ray player in there with those apps on it. TV watching is minimal in my room. But thank you. :huggy:

Almost picked up another Roku so my son could have one in his room. Found out that his PS3 can stream the channels as well. Score!


Active Member
As an avid PS3 fan, many people are sleeping on what it offers. Even if you're not a fan of video games, it's BluRay player has widely been considered one of the better options on the market. Granted, this was probably 18-24 months ago so I don't know what's available currently. But, in owning a large screen TV and with being a fan of movies, I certainly am happy with it's picture (and sound quality).

You can download apps for most (if not all) streaming services. I routinely use Amazon's streaming service. I occasionally use Netflix as well. Both play nicely.

Music channels and internet browsing are all available. I believe you can even set up a camera so you can Skype (video conference) as well.

When my PS3 stopped playing games, I put it up in our bedroom in order to use it's "smart" features with an older TV. Gave me access to all of the above noted features where before I simply had a DVD player hooked up. Quite a nice change.

Of course, I had to go get a newer/slimmer PS3 to put back in the mancave. I couldn't miss too many days of COD or I'd slip in the rankings ;-)


Lawful neutral
And really, the PS3 interface for Netflix kicks ass on the Roku interface. Much easier to use.

The Wii was being stupid this weekend so I streamed through the PS4, which I usually only use for MLBtv and gaming. I have to say I started to like it. :yay:


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
You know, as we get more and more alternatives to cable, I'm still faced with a big challenge - and that's getting all that content out to all the TVs in my house.

It wouldn't have been my choice, but - we have 6 TV's in the house. Granted, a few of them are located in places like the kitchen, the porch, the downstairs office - they really don't get as much attention as the others. But cutting the cord does mean attaching cord-cutting type technology to all of them.

I do wish there was a way to get all my TVs access to all the same technology without having to buy hardware specific to all of them. Heck, even when growing up, if we had more than one TV at all - only ONE was actually connected to the house antenna. The others all had rabbit ears.

BTW - we've paid for Hulu Plus even though we have cable, for quite a while now. None of these alternatives have a really good interface for selecting content - with Hulu, you pretty much have to know what you're looking for by name - IF they have it at all. With Netflix, almost the same but their primary interface is to scroll endlessly through sliding menus, which is extremely tedious especially when you're looking over the same content year after year.

While I can usually find a good reason to keep Netflix - kid's content - I'm wondering why in the world I bother with Hulu at all?


Power with Control
I couldn't find a good reason for Hulu. Netflix, I can always find something, boys been watching the hell out of Top Gear, I am catching up on Futurama, might catch a show about Nazis


Dream Stealer
I only had cable for the last year or so for hbo and cartoons for the monster. now that she works Netflix like a pro and hbo has its own streaming..there really isn't a need for anything else and I finally cut it all off. Im a big fan of the amazon fire content. A lot of neat stuff.


Active Member
I tried to get rid of my sat. After trying to cancel my subscriprion the company offered a package for $11.00 a month for a year. I said heck yea.we ended up with channels we didn't get with the more expensive package. We lost quite a bit of channels but its still worth it. Imo


Cancelled Dish yesterday. Was watching Hulu via the Wii...and it said online that some episodes of shows were available on Hulu but I couldn't find them on there.


New Member
Hulu is the best service for me and if you want VPN, try cyberghost paid. It is really awesome gives you speed and it has servers all over the world.

