Marine home on leave gets killed by an illegal DUI


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FromTexas said:
As if we don't have all our American DUIs... ?

not the point that I was making. Anyone who kills someone while driving drunk should get the death sentence. I particulary do not like illgeal immigrants no matter where they are from.


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FromTexas said:
This isn't an immigration issue. Its a DUI issue. Drunk drivers are American, too. What is disgusting is he was let go to drive again after being flagrantly drunk. What makes it worse is that he was an illegal driver (another crime) and he was let go (i.e. he had two strikes against him right there).
His being illegal has nothing to do with him being a drunk driver.

No it is not just an DUI issue. Him being here illegal has everything to do with it.


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FromTexas said:
That is the stupid statement of the year award. So, you are saying an American drunk driver would have avoided this car because a Marine was in it? They would have just had their "do not kill this American" sensor going? I don't think so. Do you think the victims family would feel better about it if it had been an American drunk driver instead of an illegal? Not.

Again, the illegal immigrant status has nothing to do with DUIs being a severe problem. Especially the fact that they are constantly let on the roads again and again here in Maryland. I am all for stopping illegal immigration. However, DUI does not equal immigration issues.

You are so missing the point. This is a combo issue here.


FromTexas said:
They would have just had their "do not kill this American" sensor going? I don't think so.

You mean my car is not IFF equipped?? Damn! Ripped off again!!!

Again, the illegal immigrant status has nothing to do with DUIs being a severe problem.

True, in general, but in this case it absolutely does. The very fact that this person (and I use the term loosely) was both an illegal immigrant AND and drunk driver makes the two issues inextricably tied. He is guilty of both.


This guy was here illegally. If he had not been allowed to enter the U.S., then these two unfortunate Amercians would not have been hit by the illegal DUI in the first place. The two matters are linked together.
Too many people are convicted in court of DUI and have their license suspended,then they leave the courthouse walk out into the parking lot and drive themselves home. They continue to drive throughout their suspension and many continue to drink and drive.
IMO a person caught driving on a suspended or revoked permit ,because of DUI, should immediately have the car they are driving impounded and confiscated, they should spend at least 6 months in jail at hard labor, and they should be forced to take a blood test weekly upon release.


Lem Putt
During mishap investigation, you examine every variable that contributed to a mishap. The navy calls it a swiss cheese model - if one slice doesn't line up, there is no hole to slip through.

I see at least three variables here:
1. He never should have made it into the country.
2. The cops should have busted him the first time.
3. He should not have chosen to drink that night.

Break one link in that chain and the Marine and his girl are still alive. That is why it is still legitimate to assign 33% of the blame for this death to our porous borders.


Well-Known Member
Things that make you go hmmm..

This news hits following WND’s report yesterday that 12 Americans are murdered every day by illegal aliens, according to statistics released by Rep. Steve King, R-Iowa. If those numbers are correct, it translates to 4,380 Americans murdered annually by illegal aliens. That’s 21,900 since Sept. 11, 2001.

(WND) source.

And who's fault would this be?

Mr President, Build Us a Wall!