Marion, in the news

Larry Gude

Strung Out

Ken King said:
Anyone catch that Marion Barry has tested positive for cocaine? As a condition of his plea agreement for income tax evasion he has to test and now has "popped positive". I wonder if he was really robbed or if his dealers were just doing a little "collecting"?

...I think it is instructive of what people think of Barry that it's been days since anyone, as it turns out, you, finally felt like posting about him and making note of his latest, ho hum, situation.

Sad, sad human being.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
At one time...

2ndAmendment said:
The only "good" he did while mayor was for his family and cronies. He padded the D.C. government with them all; nepotism at its best.

...10% of the population of the city was getting paychecks from the city.

Not 10% of working age adults. Not 10% of all adults over 18 including the elderly.

10% TOTAL.

He had over 50,000...FIFTY THOUSAND people on the city payroll at one time.

It was the highest ration of city workers to citizens, by far, in the nation.

He was the King of DC.


Asperger's Poster Child
I think Barry's drug use is the LEAST of his faults. That's like blaming the ketchup for a hot dog being rancid. More important is Barry's disgusting record of political cronyism and racial hucksterism. As mayor, he ran the D.C. government like an employment agency, and the bureaucracy is still bloated with his friends and allies. Low-income voters keep electing him because he manipulates their feelings of resentment for his own gain, telling them that "the man" wants to keep them down.
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100% Goapele Head!
I don't know anything about that, I just know that when I needed a job at the age of 14 I had one. It helped my mom out a lot. And I am sure THAT program has helped out many.

Say what you want but that program makes him a do gooder in my book. Not to say he is without fault, clearly his faults are an open book, but as a resident of DC I can not really point at him and say you did this to me or us.

For those who can I say point on. Call a spade a spade. Everyone has a different experience and that is really all I remember about him, minus the lip service in his tv speeches. I say this only because while he was in office most of whatever he did in office didn't affect me because I wasn't an adult so I will not try to speak on that.