Mark 7:25-26 Enemies meet


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Mark 7:25 In fact, as soon as she heard about him, a woman whose little daughter was possessed by an impure spirit came and fell at his feet. 26 The woman was a Greek, born in Syrian Phoenicia. She begged Jesus to drive the demon out of her daughter.​

When Jesus went to Tyre, He went into enemy territory. He should have been able to hide and gather His strength. Yet this woman sought Him out.

I copied this from a commentary. It's just too rich to restate.

This passage contains difficulties and surprises that need to be seen in the context of Jesus’ movement toward a Gentile ministry as well as the socio-political context. First, Jesus is found in a predominantly Gentile region when this incident happens. Second, the woman is a Gentile pagan; not only that, she hails from a city that the Old Testament deemed to be a wealthy and godless oppressor of Israel (ref. Isa 23; Jer 47:4; Ezek 26-28; Joel 3:4; Amos 1:9; Zech 9:2).[6] Furthermore, there existed socio-economic tension between Tyre and Galilee. “The city of Tyre was well stocked with produce from the hinterland of Galilee (see Acts 12:20), while those who grew the food frequently went hungry. Economically, Tyre took break away from Galilee. Galileans perceived Tyre politically as posing a permanent threat with expansionist policies since there were no natural boundaries to mark off the two regions. The hostility between Tyrians and Jews is reflected in Josephus’ statement that the people from Tyre are ‘our bitterest enemies’. This woman is, therefore, not just a Gentile but a member of a resented class of privileged foes. It would be analogous to a rich Brahmin coming to a shelter run by Mother Teresa and insisting that she leave her untouchable charges to pray over his sick child.”[7]​

Even today Israel and Syria are battling. This is extremely important. Jesus was there to get away from everyone. This woman sought Him out.

This rich gentile pagan woman begged to Jesus to save her child.

I'd do the same thing... but I wanted you to see just how important this discussion is.
