Mark Brunnell retires!!!

Larry Gude

Strung Out

Somdmommy said:
Staying out of this!!!

Larry, Reading your posts is like reading the sports section of the newspaper. :yay:

...that begs the question, the only one that maters; would you pay to read my column?


Larry Gude

Strung Out

Somdmommy said:
Huh what??

Really...Well then Okay!

...think a young, smarter Doug Williams. Or maybe a more athletic Patrick Ramsey.

I'll elaborate later. I actually have a meeting now. Which sucks. Necessary evil.


New Member
Larry Gude said:
...what you are? You are a college student.

Do you know WHY you are college student? To get educated.

Do you know why you need an education? Because you don't KNOW anything.

Mark Brunnel is old, beyond his prime, pulls the tags off of mattresses, tells little kids there is no Santa Claus AND takes ALL the pennies from the penny bin at the 7/11.

He should have pulled himself from the last Eagles game when we HAD to win to get in. He was HORRIBLE against the Bucs in the playoff game. He was nearly as bad against Seatle after that. Season over after a great run of 5 straight wins to get in.

Using Pattens injury as an excuse doesn't wash because Mark had a bunch of good games without him and Randy Thomas got hurt against Dallas, leaving the Giants and Eagles, two teams we thoroughly outplayed, to go. Mark was horrible against the Giants throwing the short pick for a TD right into that kid Blackburns arms before spraining his knee.

Mark set league history records for offensive futility in a playoff game against Tampa.

The fact is that Mark is Gibbs' guy, was Gibbs' guy and will be Gibbs' guy, just like Thiesman was long after his prime. I accept that. It makes it THE call, playing him, not the RIGHT call.

There is no way Ramsey plays worse against the Eagles or the Bucs or Tampa for that matter.

I thought I was in the twighlight zone when Gibbs not only didn't pull Mark for three straight games because of his obvious limits due to the knee but even more so as Mark did the very things that supposedly got Ramey in the dog house; make bad plays.

Mr. Gude, you cannot argue with results. 11-7. We have an excellent defense and an offense that does just enough to win ballgames. Tell me that Patrick Ramsey would be able to throw two deep balls in the last six minutes of the Dallas game.

Yes, Brunell is past his prime. He is WAY overpaid. But you know what, we're winning and we don't need a Mark Brunell in his prime. We need veteran leadership. And the fact that he is Gibbs' guy makes me love to have him at the helm. The last thing a football team needs is a quarterback who is constantly disagreeing and questioning what the head coach is doing. Football teams' success is not based on individual, raw talent, but chemistry. With a leader like Brunell, we have chemistry and the offensive coach and the quarterback are on the same page. The fact that you could argue that this is a bad thing is laughable.

Patrick Ramsey was 8-11 as a starter. He threw too many risky passes. Rather than throw for a certain first down, he'd throw down the field into double coverage. Rather than be cool under pressure, Ramsey would crack. There's a reason that when he asked for a trade, no one really came knocking and that all we got for him was a 6th round draft pick from the Jets even though they are crying for quarterback help. He is not the type of player who should have been drafted in the first round and he certainly is not the type of quarterback to groom to be your franchise's future.

Just remember this, you don't dismiss the quarterback after his team went 11-7 and made the playoffs. Just remember the Ravens getting rid of Trent Dilfer.


:Jeepin' in NC:
Larry Gude said:
...think a young, smarter Doug Williams. Or maybe a more athletic Patrick Ramsey.

I'll elaborate later. I actually have a meeting now. Which sucks. Necessary evil.

# 17 Jason Campbell
Position: QB
Height: 6-4
Weight: 230
Born: 12/31/1981
College: Auburn

Good Lord 6'4 :jameo:


:Jeepin' in NC:
rraley said:
Mr. Gude, you cannot argue with results. 11-7. We have an excellent defense and an offense that does just enough to win ballgames. Tell me that Patrick Ramsey would be able to throw two deep balls in the last six minutes of the Dallas game.

Yes, Brunell is past his prime. He is WAY overpaid. But you know what, we're winning and we don't need a Mark Brunell in his prime. We need veteran leadership. And the fact that he is Gibbs' guy makes me love to have him at the helm. The last thing a football team needs is a quarterback who is constantly disagreeing and questioning what the head coach is doing. Football teams' success is not based on individual, raw talent, but chemistry. With a leader like Brunell, we have chemistry and the offensive coach and the quarterback are on the same page. The fact that you could argue that this is a bad thing is laughable.

Patrick Ramsey was 8-11 as a starter. He threw too many risky passes. Rather than throw for a certain first down, he'd throw down the field into double coverage. Rather than be cool under pressure, Ramsey would crack. There's a reason that when he asked for a trade, no one really came knocking and that all we got for him was a 6th round draft pick from the Jets even though they are crying for quarterback help. He is not the type of player who should have been drafted in the first round and he certainly is not the type of quarterback to groom to be your franchise's future.

Just remember this, you don't dismiss the quarterback after his team went 11-7 and made the playoffs. Just remember the Ravens getting rid of Trent Dilfer.

Red~Who would be dumb enough to question Gibbs? The owner of the team does not even tell that man what to do!!

Blue~ Ramsey did suck!

Green~ We should not be doing just enough to win, we should be spankin that azz

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Why not?

rraley said:
Mr. Gude, you cannot argue with results. 11-7. We have an excellent defense and an offense that does just enough to win ballgames.

Why can't I argue that it should have been 12-6? or even better, 13-7?

Tell me that Patrick Ramsey would be able to throw two deep balls in the last six minutes of the Dallas game.

Mark threw two perfect passes, yes he did. He also played HORRIBLY for 55 minutes before that and both passes were nearly batted away anyway. let's be honest, Mark was given the job precisely to avoid being in the desperate straights of having to throw bombs and in any event, Ramsey is far more physically qualified to throw them than Mark.

Yes, Brunell is past his prime. He is WAY overpaid. But you know what, we're winning and we don't need a Mark Brunell in his prime. We need veteran leadership. And the fact that he is Gibbs' guy makes me love to have him at the helm.

If you've kept up with my Ramsey/Brunnel rants, my beef is simply the way he pulled Ramsey from the Bears game and did not give him his job back the next game. The guy gave too much and had too much guts to not get a legitmate shot of, say, the first three full games of the season. Then we'd have known not only that he was or was not the guy but we would have had a fresher Brunnel who might have had more left at the end of the season.

Football teams' success is not based on individual, raw talent, but chemistry. With a leader like Brunell, we have chemistry and the offensive coach and the quarterback are on the same page. The fact that you could argue that this is a bad thing is laughable.

I agree with you about chemistry and the team is behind Mark. I don't think I've argued that this is a bad thing. Have I?

As for stats, Ramsey was run through two years of Spurrier and actually had better stats in his 3rd year than Brunnels 3rd. Year four is where most QB's, including Brunnel, take off or flat line. I am a Ramsey fan and feel he didn't get his shot.

You can talk all you want about how great 11-7 is but remember this; Gibbs fired himself, the offensive coordinator, in the off season.

Trying to say the loss of Dilfer lead to the poor showing of the Ravens is, at best, just as suspect as me saying the Skins would have been better off with Ramsey.

In any event, time for song. Join me, won't you?

Hail to the Redskins!
Hail Victory!
Braves on the Warpath!
Fight for old D.C.!
Run or pass and score -- we want a lot more!
Beat 'em, Swamp 'em,
Touchdown! -- Let the points soar!
Fight on, fight on 'Til you have won
Sons of Wash-ing-ton. Rah!, Rah!, Rah!
Hail to the Redskins!
Hail Victory!
Braves on the Warpath!
Fight for old D.C.!


:Jeepin' in NC:
Larry Gude said:
Why can't I argue that it should have been 12-6? or even better, 13-7?

Mark threw two perfect passes, yes he did. He also played HORRIBLY for 55 minutes before that and both passes were nearly batted away anyway. let's be honest, Mark was given the job precisely to avoid being in the desperate straights of having to throw bombs and in any event, Ramsey is far more physically qualified to throw them than Mark.

If you've kept up with my Ramsey/Brunnel rants, my beef is simply the way he pulled Ramsey from the Bears game and did not give him his job back the next game. The guy gave too much and had too much guts to not get a legitmate shot of, say, the first three full games of the season. Then we'd have known not only that he was or was not the guy but we would have had a fresher Brunnel who might have had more left at the end of the season.

I agree with you about chemistry and the team is behind Mark. I don't think I've argued that this is a bad thing. Have I?

As for stats, Ramsey was run through two years of Spurrier and actually had better stats in his 3rd year than Brunnels 3rd. Year four is where most QB's, including Brunnel, take off or flat line. I am a Ramsey fan and feel he didn't get his shot.

You can talk all you want about how great 11-7 is but remember this; Gibbs fired himself, the offensive coordinator, in the off season.

Trying to say the loss of Dilfer lead to the poor showing of the Ravens is, at best, just as suspect as me saying the Skins would have been better off with Ramsey.

In any event, time for song. Join me, won't you?

Hail to the Redskins!
Hail Victory!
Braves on the Warpath!
Fight for old D.C.!
Run or pass and score -- we want a lot more!
Beat 'em, Swamp 'em,
Touchdown! -- Let the points soar!
Fight on, fight on 'Til you have won
Sons of Wash-ing-ton. Rah!, Rah!, Rah!
Hail to the Redskins!
Hail Victory!
Braves on the Warpath!
Fight for old D.C.!
I didnt want to see Ramsey out there, but if the boy would have had more time in the games i'm sure he would have been okay!