While there is great difference among experts regarding fraud with VBM (vote by mail) one thing they do generally agree on - the
likelihood of fraud is greater with VBM. Because the stages it goes through for validation are mostly gone. You'd think with all the brouhaha of "TRUMP CHEATED!" that the focus would be on GREATER security with votes. Nope. The left just wants MORE votes cast - even from illegals.
No, seriously. IF you really think the election was fixed and the GOP cheated, the intelligent thing to do is make it better. More proof. More legitimate checking. LESS cheating. That's not what they're angling for. They think the GOP cheated, and they got beaten - so they're trying to tilt the cheat towards them. The hell with "disenfranchisement". It's not about fair elections, it's about winning them, fair or not.
Paterson was actually worse than I thought -
https://www.realclearpolitics.com/a...is_charged_in_nj_mail-in_election_143551.html -
there was clear evidence of trying to thwart the election. BECAUSE it was done with method not at all secure - it was easy to perpetrate.
Bear in mind, the Dems were AGAINST VBM until recently. Articles from the NYT and other left-leaning outlets frequently decried its use as potentially - and ACTUALLY - fraudulent.
We already have a problem with ABSENTEE ballots, and they undergo considerably more scrutiny than VBM. EVERY FREAKING election, there's an absentee ballot mess, usually in Florida, because so many military vote that way and choose Florida as their "home" while they're away.
EVERY ELECTION - we've had ballots invalidated because - they arrived late. And so you have no way of knowing if YOUR vote was EVER counted.
Consider this - a few months back, I had to pay off a loan. I got a check made out to the recipient with documentation and data written in the memo regarding its intended recipient. I sent it certified mail and paid insurance. I overnighted it. I got a tracking number. I took no chances.
But I COULD have just sent cash and dropped it in the big blue box. If you're laughing, consider that THAT is what you do with VBM, where what I did is what you do at your polling place, where you check in, sign in, you're looked up, law enforcement is there to ensure laws are not broken. I am sure it can be thwarted, but I guarantee you would never send tens of thousands of dollars in cash by REGULAR MAIL.