Mars Rover Spirit lands successfully - Mars Lander Signal Successfully Detected


Sorry about that chief.
Don't know who is buying it but the forest IS being cleared for beef production and quick-cropping. Sorry I'm not greenpeace or Sting. In SOMD the farmland is being taken for suburbs and in 3rd world countries the forest is being taken for farmland. Maybe we need to build a hydrodome on mars for food production, then Arnie can find the magic alien handprint in the secret mountain and save the day.


"Would the Spanish pay for the 20th, 21st, or 22nd trip to the same place after they have lost over half of what was previously launched with the supreme hope of coming back with a thimble of dust?, nope;they have more sense than that."

Didn't the Spanish initially fund the effort to find a cheaper way to get spices? The fact that they lucked ito several billions of dollars worth of gold was a fortunate goof. Maybe we're out for dust now, but we don't know what awaits us any more than the Spanish did.