Maryland Assault Weapons Ban of 2006


lower life form
Softballkid said:
:lmao: D*mn what if's .....

I mean, it would have its ups, but certainly its downs... for EVERY pro, theres a con... ya know....

Yeah, ain't it the pits, though? Maybe I can get by without packing heat if everybody thinks I'm probably armed.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Softballkid said:
When I was in Arizona, all conveince store workers above 21 WERE allowed to have a pistol on there side at all times while on the clock...
For the most part in Maryland the carrying, wearing, or transporting a handgun is prohibited.

§ 4-203. Wearing, carrying, or transporting handgun.

(a) Prohibited.-

(1) Except as provided in subsection (b) of this section, a person may not:

(i) wear, carry, or transport a handgun, whether concealed or open, on or about the person;
(ii) wear, carry, or knowingly transport a handgun, whether concealed or open, in a vehicle traveling on a road or parking lot generally used by the public, highway, waterway, or airway of the State;
(iii) violate item (i) or (ii) of this paragraph while on public school property in the State; or
(iv) violate item (i) or (ii) of this paragraph with the deliberate purpose of injuring or killing another person.

(2) There is a rebuttable presumption that a person who transports a handgun under paragraph (1)(ii) of this subsection transports the handgun knowingly.

But there is an exception for businesses,

(b) Exceptions.- This section does not prohibit:

(7) the wearing, carrying, or transporting of a handgun by a supervisory employee:

(i) in the course of employment;
(ii) within the confines of the business establishment in which the supervisory employee is employed; and
(iii) when so authorized by the owner or manager of the business establishment;

If the owners authorize the supervisory employee to carry one then it appears that they can. I wonder how many know of this provision of the law?


No Longer the Kid
Ive noticed it is pretty dang hard to get a carrying permit in Maryland, I know a few people who do have them though, but the own businesses and things of that nature...


lower life form
"(ii) wear, carry, or knowingly transport a handgun, whether concealed or open, in a vehicle traveling on a road or parking lot generally used by the public, highway, waterway, or airway of the State;"

How do you transport a gun packaged up for shipping? How does a hunter get his gun to the scene of the hunt?

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
OrneryPest said:
"(ii) wear, carry, or knowingly transport a handgun, whether concealed or open, in a vehicle traveling on a road or parking lot generally used by the public, highway, waterway, or airway of the State;"

How do you transport a gun packaged up for shipping? How does a hunter get his gun to the scene of the hunt?
You would have to read the other exceptions as to what is allowed.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
OrneryPest said:
Excellent point!

On the other hand, I've always had reservations about whether I could defend myself with a gun. If the bad boy gets the jump on me, I'm dead before my gun clears leather. And if I do manage to shoot first, I can't be all that certain that a self-defense plea is gonna fly with the jury.
As has been said before, it is better to be judged by 12 than carried by six.

I am all for gun control. To me, gun control means being able to hit what I am aiming at consistently.

You can defend yourself, but like all things that are worthwhile doing, you must practice. Heck, people aren't good at much of anything the first time they do it. I practice almost every week. I hold a consistent 2" group with my .44 DE at normal self defense distances, so if someone wants to break in and threaten my household, I can "dot their eyes" for them.


No Longer the Kid
2ndAmendment said:
As has been said before, it is better to be judged by 12 than carried by six.

I am all for gun control. To me, gun control means being able to hit what I am aiming at consistently.

You can defend yourself, but like all things that are worthwhile doing, you must practice. Heck, people aren't good at much of anything the first time they do it. I practice almost every week. I hold a consistent 2" group with my .44 DE at normal self defense distances, so if someone wants to break in and threaten my household, I can "dot their eyes" for them.

Imma just pull out the shotgun, let off a few shots, and Ill dot every inch of their body...

if need be, Ill get the hand gun out ..haha :yay:


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Ken King said:
For the most part in Maryland the carrying, wearing, or transporting a handgun is prohibited.

§ 4-203. Wearing, carrying, or transporting handgun.

(a) Prohibited.-

(1) Except as provided in subsection (b) of this section, a person may not:

(i) wear, carry, or transport a handgun, whether concealed or open, on or about the person;
(ii) wear, carry, or knowingly transport a handgun, whether concealed or open, in a vehicle traveling on a road or parking lot generally used by the public, highway, waterway, or airway of the State;
(iii) violate item (i) or (ii) of this paragraph while on public school property in the State; or
(iv) violate item (i) or (ii) of this paragraph with the deliberate purpose of injuring or killing another person.

(2) There is a rebuttable presumption that a person who transports a handgun under paragraph (1)(ii) of this subsection transports the handgun knowingly.

But there is an exception for businesses,

(b) Exceptions.- This section does not prohibit:

(7) the wearing, carrying, or transporting of a handgun by a supervisory employee:

(i) in the course of employment;
(ii) within the confines of the business establishment in which the supervisory employee is employed; and
(iii) when so authorized by the owner or manager of the business establishment;

If the owners authorize the supervisory employee to carry one then it appears that they can. I wonder how many know of this provision of the law?
We would like to change that too. The thirty-five shall-issue states trust their citizens to carry either concealed or open. Vermont has open carry with no permit, so make that 36 states that trust their citizens. Maryland legislators do not trust Maryland's citizens.


Florida doesn't allow open carry. They tried it for a while back in the 1980s, but the tourists didn't care much for the sight of people walking around with guns on their hips, so the law got repealed.