Maryland Divorce Law


Well-Known Member
Perhaps I should have posted that there was a bottle of antifreeze on his porch and that there were other cats in the past that mysteriously died of antifreeze poisoning on that street.

Dear Johnny,
You are a sweetheart but DAYUM you are annoying.
Your Friend,

P.S. And skinny too.

It's okay that someone stole her kids' pet? You're ridiculous now.

You're right...someone should have just put a pan of antifreeze out. :coffee:


New Member
I stole the damn cat, died it black, I call him Fleas now.

Can we please end the stupid cat stuff now.

Jesus, how long ago was this.


Ummmmm ....
Why are people still pissed off about this whole kitty issue still??? Shouldn't it have been over with now???

Ahhh ... I get it. Stirring the pot and trying to cause trouble. Niiiiice.
I think that you guys hate Pix and MK ... and want to make more trouble.


It's okay that someone stole her kids' pet? You're ridiculous now.

Kid's pet or not, I told her I was ready to take all three, get them vetted and find a good home.

That's ridiculous?

What did you do?

TWL's wife can come in at any moment and verify what I told her.


I took the darn cat and gave it to the owner of Hong Kong Buffet.
That settles that. Now we don't need to have that come up ever again. :smile:

Really? Have you ever eaten pussy? It's good stuff.

However, you don't mess with white/blue eyed cats who are not deaf.

Get a grip. :wench: